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Unlicenced refuse collector prosecuted for abandoning waste in Dronfield

A Sheffield resident has been successfully prosecuted by North East Derbyshire District Council in relation to a fly tipping incident that occurred in Dronfield in February 2023.

A van was captured on CCTV depositing a fridge freezer and other waste at a leased storage unit on Mill Lane, Dronfield.

Council Enforcement Officers were able to trace the vehicle involved to Mr Anil Karim of 594 Earl Marshal Road who had been advertising as a waste collector on social media.

Mr Karim failed to respond to notices requiring the production of a waste carrier licence, waste transfer notes and information relevant to the investigation leaving the Council no option but to prosecute.

Mr Karim initially failed to turn up at Court in September 2023 and a warrant was therefore granted for his arrest.

On 13 May 2024, Mr Karim attended Derbyshire Magistrate’s Court and plead guilty to being the person in control of the vehicle at the time of the incident, and therefore knowingly causing the waste to be deposited on land contrary to section 33(5) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Mr Karim was fined £320, ordered to pay a victim Surcharge £128.00 and the Council was awarded legal costs of £550.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Cllr Stephen Pickering said, “We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards improper waste disposal; it is an offence to collect or abandon waste when unlicenced.”

“I’d urge residents to check their waste is taken by licenced carriers only, to avoid their waste being involved in an investigation”.

“The Enforcement team continue their impressive work to investigate offenders and helping to keep our district tidy.”

If you wish to enquire about our commercial waste collection service, please call us on 01246231111.