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Contact Us

You can contact us in the following ways:

Sign up to receive email news updates straight to your inbox along with other areas we cover so you are always in the loop.

When you contact us, we always take your comments seriously. Anything you say will be treated in confidence and will not disadvantage you in the future. Please read our Customer Service Codes of Practice and Standards (.pdf | 958kb) document and Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy (.pdf | 677kb)

Your feedback is important to us to provide the best service we can for you. You can make a compliment or complaint online, at your convenience using our digital online forms.

If you are still not satisfied after you have fully completed our complaints procedure, then your next step would be to make a complaint in writing to the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman. They will be able to provide you with advice on how to proceed further.

Language is Everything

We speak your language - if you need to contact the Council in your preferred language or format including large print or Braille please call 01246 231111 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 01246 231111.

Call with Relay UK via textphone or app on 0800 500 888- Relay UK is a free phone service provided by BT for anyone who has difficulty hearing or speaking. It's a way to have a real-time conversation with us by text.

Respectful towards staff

North East Derbyshire Council has a zero-tolerance approach towards anyone who abuses, intimidates or threatens local authority staff.

We will not accept any form of communication which attempts to abuse, intimidate or even threaten council employees. Using foul and abusive language could be deemed a form of harassment and threats to disclose personal data, with the intention of causing nuisance, alarm and distress to officers will not be tolerated.  

Where there are real concerns about a service or conduct of officers, customers can use the Contact Us process to raise concerns and such matters will be investigated.

Where there is no evidence to justify the complaint being made and there is evidence that communications are sent or posted maliciously, or with the intention of causing nuisance, alarm or distress to officers who are trying their best to provide communities with important and often essential services, the Council will be challenging individuals and will take proactive and necessary action to protect staff including issuing proceedings in the County Court to tackle the behaviour.