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Masterplans and Investment Plans

Masterplans and Investment Plans

It is important that as a District we understand how we can develop our key locations to ensure that they are fit for future generations.

To enable this to happen, comprehensive consultation exercises take place with local residents, to ensure that their thoughts and aspirations are taken into consideration when we work to develop and invest in each part of the neighbourhoods in our District.

We are constantly assessing how we can improve our area. This process includes the Economic Development Team commissioning work to produce Investment Plans, or Masterplans, of what would be feasible to undertake to improve the four main towns in our District, ready for when funding opportunities become available.

The Clay Cross Town Deal is a £24m capital programme to regenerate the town centre through introducing a new Town Square, or “Baileys Square”, which will be used for events and festivals in the future. The investment also includes a new Leisure Centre – Clay Cross Active and 16 business units for food, drink and leisure enterprises.

We also have a dedicated webpage with detailed information about the Clay Cross Town Investment Plan

Clay Cross Town Investment Plan

Equally, please view the Clay Cross Town Centres section to read more about the town.

Following the report completed in the spring of 2022 Dronfield will soon see an investment of £500,000 from North East Derbyshire District Council’s allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Funds.

Dronfield Civic Centre Masterplan

Also please visit the Dronfield page in the Town Centre section to find out more about the town.

Work is also ongoing in the background to find out what is feasible for Killamarsh and Eckington. You can read more about each town through our Town Centres pages.

Please contact the Economic Development Team to see copies of Dronfield’s Civic Centre Masterplan (March 2022), Killamarsh Town Centre Contextual Analysis & Options Appraisal (November 2022) and Eckington Town Centre & Town Park Masterplan (July 2022) as these are not directly available on the website.

Part of our role in Economic Development is to oversee the implementation of these plans when resources become available, as it currently being seen in both Clay Cross and Dronfield Town Centres.

For more information about where we are with these plans please contact us by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us on 01246 231111