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A non-dependant generally is a grown up Son or Daughter, Friend or Relative that lives within your household.

Non-Dependant Deductions

If you have a non-dependant adult, living in your household, your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support could be subject to a non-dependant deduction, dependent upon their income, age, and your disability status. This is because it is assumed that the non-dependant will contribute towards your rent, rates and/or Council Tax.

No Non-Dependant Deductions

There will be no non-dependant deduction where the claimant is:

  • Registered blind or has recently regained their sight
  • Receiving the care component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) - at any rate
  • Receives Attendance Allowance - at any rate

When a deduction is made

  • One non-dependant deduction will be applied per non-dependant (or non-dependant couple) in your household.
  • For non-dependants in remunerative work, the level of deduction is based on their Gross earnings rather than their NET earnings.
  • The lowest deduction will be applied for any non-dependant NOT in work, regardless of their income from state benefits or private pensions.

Non-dependants with no deduction

  • A non-dependant aged under 18
  • A non-dependant in receipt of Pension Credits (either kind)
  • A non-dependant aged under 25 receiving a passported benefit (excluding 'main phase' ESA)
  • A Youth Trainee
  • A non-dependant in prison or similar detention
  • A non-dependant who has been in hospital for 52 weeks or more
  • A temporary resident or visitor
  • A full time student (during a period of study)
  • A full time student (during a vacation period providing they are not in remunerative work during this period of time)

For any non-dependant in work, a deduction will be applied to your Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support dependent upon the level of their Gross income.

More Information

If you require more detailed information please contact us on 01246 217600 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.