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Overview and Scrutiny helps to inform the Council’s decision making and policy development, and drive improvement in public services. It does this by monitoring the work of the council and making recommendations on the way services are provided.

Within their themed areas, all Scrutiny Committees will:-

 (i) Review decisions made by and the performance of the Council Meeting, the Cabinet, committees and Officers both in relation to individual decisions and over time (but not including Regulatory Decisions)

(ii) Review the performance of the Council in relation to its policy objectives, performance targets and/or particular service areas

(iii) Question members of the Cabinet and Officers about their decisions and performance, whether generally in comparison with service plans and targets over a period of time, or in relation to particular decisions (but not including Regulatory Decisions)

(iv) Make recommendations to the Council Meeting and/or cabinet arising from work undertaken by a Scrutiny Committee

(v) Review the performance of other public bodies in the area and invite reports from them by asking them to address the Scrutiny Committee about their activities and performance

(vi) Question and gather evidence from any person with their consent

(vii) Collaborate with other Scrutiny Committees and other bodies carrying out similar functions outside the Council

(viii) Report to the Council meeting annually on the scrutiny function and their work

(ix) Exercise functions relating to call in and Councillor Call for Action. 

Full Terms of Reference can be found in the Council’s Constitution, Part 3, The Functions Scheme.

For more information on Overview and Scrutiny at North East Derbyshire District Council, please contact Damon Stanton – Senior Scrutiny Officer on 01246 217011.

Scrutiny agendas and minutes

Scrutiny meeting agendas and minutes (alongside agendas and minutes for Full Council, Cabinet and other Committees) can be accessed on our website on the meetings, agendas and minutes section.

The Calendar of Meetings can be found on our democracy webpage.

Annual Report

An Annual Report is published each year, which takes a look back at the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for the past 12 months. Annual Scrutiny reports can be accessed on our website on the Annual Scrutiny Reports section.

Audit and Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee


The Members of the Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee are:

  • Councillor M E Thacker MBE JP (Chair)
  • Councillor P R Kerry
  • Councillor R Shipman
  • Councillor B Lewis (Vice-Chair)
  • Councillor K Tait
  • Councillor G Morley
  • Councillor W Armitage
  • Councillor N Barker
  • Councillor S Clough

Further information about Scrutiny Members and other Councillors can be found on the Your Councillors section of the website.

Communities Scrutiny Committee


The Communities Scrutiny Committee has responsibility for scrutinising issues relating to:

  • Statutory Crime and Disorder
  • Community Safety
  • Leisure
  • Health and Well Being
  • Street Scene
  • Environment Health (including Licensing)
  • Inclusion
  • Equality
  • Housing Management
  • Emergency Planning
  • Estates and Property


The members of the Communities Scrutiny Committee are:

  • Councillor K Tait (Chair)
  • Councillor H Liggett
  • Councillor T Lacey
  • Councillor R Hall
  • Councillor P Wheelhouse
  • Councillor J Lilley
  • Councillor L Deighton
  • Councillor J Birkin
  • Councillor P Windley

Further information about Scrutiny Members and other Councillors can be found on the Your Councillors section of the website.

Growth Scrutiny Committee


The Growth Scrutiny has responsibility for scrutinising issues relating to:

  • Local Enterprise Partnership and Combined Authorities
  • Business / Economy
  • Economic Development
  • Regeneration
  • Asset Management
  • Planning
  • Tourism
  • Partnerships
  • Strategic Housing - Housing Strategy


The members of the Growth Scrutiny Committee are:

  • Councillor B Strafford-Stephenson (Chair)
  • Councillor M Roe
  • Councillor J Funnell
  • Councillor A Platts (Vice-Chair)
  • Councillor P Wright
  • Councillor S Cornwell
  • Councillor L Hartshorne
  • Councillor R Welton
  • Councillor N Barker

Further information about Scrutiny Members and other Councillors can be found on the Your Councillors section of the website.

Organisation Scrutiny Committee


The Organisation Scrutiny Committee has responsibility for scrutinising issues relating to:

  • Audit
  • Communication and Consultation
  • Customer Services
  • Finance
  • Governance
  • Human Resources
  • ICT
  • Legal
  • Procurement
  • Revenue and Benefits
  • Scrutiny
  • Strategy and Performance
  • Shared Services
  • Commissioning / De-Commissioning Services
  • Self Regulation
  • Transformation Programme
  • Employees


The members of the Organisation Scrutiny Committee are:

  • Councillor S Clough (Chair)
  • Councillor D Ruff
  • Councillor J Funnell
  • Councillor M Emmens (Vice-Chair)
  • Councillor P Wright
  • Councillor P R Kerry
  • Councillor D Drabble
  • Councillor J Birkin
  • Councillor M Jones

Further information about Scrutiny Members and other Councillors can be found on the Your Councillors section of the website.

Scrutiny Reviews

Each year, the Overview and Scrutiny Committees carry out a number of themed reviews within their remit. A review is a large and in-depth piece of work which typically takes an entire municipal year to complete. It is a significant project which cumulates in a review report which sets out a synopsis of the views expressed and evidence gathered, alongside recommendations for improvement.

Scrutiny Review reports since 2019 can be accessed on our website on the Scrutiny Review Reports section.

For archive reports pre 2019, please contact the Scrutiny office on 01246 217011