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Trees and Hedgerows


There are 3 main ways that trees may be protected:

  1. Tree Preservation Orders
  2. Conservation Areas
  3. Planning Conditions

Tree Preservation Orders

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) may be placed on trees which are visually important to the area, or trees which may be under threat from future development. If you have trees on your property covered by a TPO, you must get permission to do any works to the tree, whether this is felling or pruning.

Conservation Areas

If you are planning to fell or prune a tree in a Conservation Area you are required to give the Council six weeks notice in writing of your intentions. The Council may either decide to raise no objections to your proposals or, if it wishes to retain the trees or have strict control over any pruning works, a Tree Preservation Order may be made on the trees. If you have not heard anything within six weeks of the council receiving your notification, you may carry out the works.

Planning Conditions

Planning Conditions may be put on the planning permission which require certain trees to be kept. It is also possible that conditions may be put on a planning permission requiring additional trees to be planted. This may be to replace trees lost by the development, or to screen the development on the site from the surrounding area.


Hedgerows can house some important species of wildlife and have a great impact upon biodiversity and habitat connectivity. The Regulations are intended to protect important hedges in the countryside. Anyone proposing to remove a hedge to which the Regulations apply must give the Council six weeks notice and give the reason for seeking to remove it. Anyone who has hedges in their gardens and regularly trim them, please be mindful of the wildlife present and check for nesting birds. Hedges ideally should be cut between October - March to avoid disturbance to wildlife. .

High Hedges

Part 8 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 gives local authorities powers to deal with complaints about high hedges. As long as you have made reasonable attempts to resolve your dispute, you can bring your complaint about your neighbour’s evergreen hedge to us. If you wish to make a formal complaint about a high hedge, you should contact us to request the relevant application forms. You will need to pay a fee of £320 if you make a formal complaint. This is needed to cover the cost of the work in dealing with your complaint. For further information regarding high hedge complaints visit the government website.

More Information

For more information please contact us on 01246 231111 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.