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The NEWS Winter 2023

the news cover


Hello and welcome to this latest edition of our residents’ magazine ‘the NEWS’.

Storm Babet brought significant challenges to residents and businesses across Derbyshire and all of our public services, and we know this has been and continues to be a very difficult time for many. If you are affected by flooding, we have put together some guidance you may find useful on page 9, including who to contact for help.

If you have been keeping track of developments in Clay Cross, you will be pleased to hear that the Town Deal is now progressing at pace, as we enter the delivery phase of the project (page 7).

Our Council Plan is also available to view, where you can read all about the ambitious targets we have set for the next four years. (pages 14/15) Finally, with Christmas just around the corner, our shopping guide (pages 16/17) and what’s on? (page 30) should hopefully give you that festive feel. We have some amazing shops and attractions in our district, so please support them if you are able.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Cllr Barker at Ashover Rock

Cllr Nigel Barker, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council.

Taking a stand on anti-social behaviour

We take a zero-tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour in our district.

One of the ways we can help keep our communities safe is with a Public Spaces Protection Order. PSPOs allow councils to deal with a particular problem or nuisance in a specified area. We’ve recently introduced a PSPO to put a stop to nuisance drivers and have also extended another to crack down on irresponsible dog ownership.

Putting the brakes on nuisance drivers

We are putting the brakes on antisocial drivers. A Public Spaces Protection Order came into force at the end of September, in a bid to put a stop to those who cause a danger and nuisance to other road users and residents. Motorists who breach the PSPO are warned they could face a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100 or even have their vehicle seized.

The order will cover the whole of North East Derbyshire district and last for the next three years. It will prohibit any person from participating in or being a spectator of a car cruising event, including performing stunts, speeding and playing loud music.

Cllr Nigel Barker, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Community Safety, said: “I hope this order sends a clear message to those who use their vehicle in an anti-social manner, that this behaviour will not be tolerated in our district. “People should not have to put up with these thoughtless acts, carried out by a minority of motorists who use the public highway as their own private racetrack.

Successful injunctions for NEDDC

Following the enforcement action we took to close two sites in West Handley and Ridgeway, North East Derbyshire District Council also made injunction applications against individuals who had been engaging in anti-social behaviour (ASB) and we were successful in our outcome.

The Court ordered that two individuals who were guilty of ASB are excluded from the West Handley village for a period of 12 months. A power of arrest is also attached to this exclusion, meaning that if the individuals breach those terms, the police can arrest them and they can be committed to prison for up to two years.

A further injunction order and power of arrest was also made in respect of a third individual who is still allowed to enter the village.

Pat Kerry Portrait

North East Derbyshire District Council Deputy Leader, Cllr Pat Kerry said: “I cannot thank our officers enough for the work they have put in to secure these injunctions. We made a commitment as an administration to come down hard on those participating in anti-social behaviour and this successful outcome shows our commitment to delivering this.

Dog PSPO order

The order has successfully been re-introduced for a further three years aiming to make sure dog owners pick up after their pets and stay within designated areas. You can find out more on the Dog Management webpage.

Game changer for Clay Cross - new Clay Cross Town Board Chair gives his first interview

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Inspire Design’s Lee Barnes has acquired the position of Clay Cross Town Board (CCTB) Chair and sits down with us for an interview.

"I’m Lee Barnes - I’ve recently been appointed as the Chair of Clay Cross Town Board. I’m a North East Derbyshire resident and the Managing Director of a local Clay Cross business. I’m very keen to make a difference on my local doorstep. I’ve been involved in regeneration and development for the last 30 years as part of my career - I like to be able to see previously unused spaces become usable again and provide a community benefit."

Q: Can you explain a bit about what the CCTB is?

Clay Cross Town Board is a collection of elected members, local business owners, and other stakeholders. Everybody who’s involved has a connection to the area.

Q: What difficulties do you think you’ll face as Chair?

Trying to balance everybody’s different agendas because whilst, as a Board, we’re pulling together for a common aim to successfully deliver the project, everybody has got their own perspective on how things should happen. To be able to listen to those differing views and then help the Board collectively bring them together for the benefit of the people of Clay Cross, that’s the biggest challenge.

Q: What do you think of the Town Deal offer?

You’ve got a new state-of-the-art facility, Clay Cross Active, which provides a fitness opportunity for the residents. On top of that, we’ve got the Low Carbon Challenge Fund which is reaching out to local businesses to help them become more energy efficient. And the new town square, creating the opportunity for this dynamic day and evening economy where we’ve got a space where people can congregate and socialise in a nice sort of environment. I think it’s a game changer for Clay Cross as an evening destination.

Q: What challenges has regenerating the town centre posed?

There is the impact of how do we move cars around the town efficiently? There’s the impact on existing businesses. There’s the fact that the site is in a conservation area. I think the team have done an excellent job in balancing the requirements of all these different elements and the future is exciting for Clay Cross.

Q: What are you most looking forward to within the new role and what are you looking to achieve?

I’m really excited to see the Clay Cross proposals being delivered and make an enduring, lasting difference to the town and businesses there.

Pictured above: from left to right: Andy James, Lee Hickin, Cllr Kathy Rouse, Cllr Nigel Barker, Chris Mills, Lisa Dodd-Mayne, Matt Broughton on Clay Cross Active construction site.

Is your business interested in helping the environment?

The Clay Cross Town Deal is helping businesses be cleaner and greener and £645,000 has been ring-fenced from the Clay Cross Low Carbon Challenge Fund to support local businesses in turning their low carbon goals into reality.

To help businesses reduce carbon emissions and energy costs, they can apply for a grant of up to £10,000 to contribute towards making changes that will make the workplace more environmentally friendly. Is your business interested in helping the environment? You could be eligible for a grant for installing things like:

  • Lighting, heating, controls and improving insulation.
  • Purchasing efficient motors, compressors, equipment.
  • Adding vehicle chargers.
  • Investing in renewable energy (air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps etc.).
  • Waste reduction and recycling.
  • Incorporating improved metering and low-cost Building Management Systems.
  • Introducing emerging technological solutions.

Some businesses have already completed the application process and had great success in implementing their carbon reduction measures, such as Jilbee Land, who have installed solar panels leading to a significant reduction in their electricity costs and carbon footprint. We are still accepting applicants; express your business’ interest today!

More information on funding or to complete our Expression of Interest (EOI) form.

Jayne Barry portrait

Councillor Jayne Barry, North East Derbyshire District council portfolio holder for Growth and Assets said: “We work hard to support our businesses to help them thrive and grow whilst also helping them be equipped to reduce their carbon emissions. “Supporting them to be more environmentally efficient is the purpose of this initiative and these grants will not only help them achieve this but ensure they are compliant and future proof in what is an exciting time for Clay Cross with the Town Deal investments.”

New units for rent in Clay Cross

The Clay Cross Town Deal is now starting to progress at pace as we enter the delivery phase of the project.

One of the key parts of this is providing some new, flexible accommodation for businesses in the heart of the upcoming town square. We are passionate about helping our businesses grow and are inviting expressions of interest in taking on one of the new premises so you can replicate or expand and be an integral part of this amazing development.

There is real excitement in the town as plans are starting to become reality (see our article on the progress of Clay Cross Active) and are proud to be on this journey with our residents and businesses.

The new units in the town centre will be home to a mix of food and drink outlets, adventure/entertainment businesses and much more. For those interested in taking up a unit, there are many other great features including: CCTV coverage, full repairs and insurance and out-of-the-way, rear delivery access.

Each unit is 50 square meters in size and can be leased separately or in multiples, ensuring we have the perfect space for your enterprise, no matter the size. Additionally, each unit is made more flexible by the option of having long or short leases.

Learn about the business units and the wider Town Centre Regeneration on the Clay Cross Town Deal website. To express interest in one or more units, please email our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the Clay Cross Town Deal website for more information. This is a big opportunity open to many businesses, so we encourage anyone who is unsure to get in touch with any questions they have.

Exercise and family support keeps Stephen strong

A brave dad who battled two major health problems has praised our Exercise by Referral scheme for helping him to prepare for his biggest fight yet.

Stephen Large (70), from Dronfield, was referred to the scheme by his physiotherapist after contracting sepsis, following an operation to remove his gall bladder. But, after successfully completing the free 12-week course, he was then given the shocking news that he had prostate cancer, which was only picked up during tests to make sure he was free from infection.

Stephen, said: “If it wasn’t for the gall bladder and sepsis, I wouldn’t have known. “I said ‘how long have I had it’? And they said it might be five years. “Fortunately, it hasn’t spread to any other part of my body.” Stephen is now continuing with the gym and low impact circuit classes he did during the scheme at Dronfield Sports Centre.

He will also have one-to-one gym sessions to work on his upper body strength, to help combat the effects of the hormone therapy he will need to have. He is also undergoing radiotherapy.

Stephen added: “If it wasn’t for the 12 week course, I wouldn’t have been in such a strong position to undergo this next round of treatment. “I would definitely recommend people do the course if they are referred. It stops you feeling sorry for yourself.”

Healthy Lifestyles Instructor Adam Swift, who is helping Stephen with his one-to-one sessions, said: “It’s great that Stephen has benefitted from the scheme and is continuing with exercise to help him as he undergoes this next round of treatment.”

Our Exercise by Referral scheme aims to increase exercise and activity for people who want to improve their health. It is aimed at people who currently do either no or very little physical activity but who are motivated to do more.

To participate in the scheme, you must be aged 19+ and either make an appointment with your GP or complete the self-assessment tool on the Live Life Better Derbyshire website. Activities can include, gym, swimming, low impact circuit training, cardiac rehabilitation, chair-based exercise and Forever Active. Other activities are available but are chargeable at a pay-as-you-go-rate.

See our website for more information. Stephen has thanked his wife Linda, daughters Nicola, Helen and Liz and our Healthy Lifestyles Instructor Adam Swift for all their help and support.

Floods hit East Midlands

The recent devastating floods caused by storm Babet impacted thousands of residents and businesses, not just in our district, but across the whole region.

Over the course of 18 hours we had a whole month’s worth of rainfall, which affected a great many people, their homes and their livelihoods. Along with partner agencies, we worked tirelessly over that weekend and days in the aftermath to both warn and inform residents of the weather and flood situation, and to deal with events on the ground, providing help and support and dealing with the clear up operation. Whilst we do all we can to mitigate the risks of flooding, when it does happen the effects are devastating and we are here to help.

What to do in the event of a flood in your home or business

Firstly, and most importantly, follow the advice of your insurer. Generally, the insurance company will need to visit to make their assessment before anything is moved from the house. If you are struggling with accommodation, please raise this with your insurer too and they should be able to find you alternative accommodation.

Pictured: Eckington Depot hit by the floods.

If you are concerned about housing matters and your insurer can’t assist, then please contact us on 01246 231111. Any Council tenants should contact Rykneld Homes on 01246 217670 in the first instance.

Other partner agencies can offer support and advice, such as:

  • Derbyshire Law Centre provides free advice on all debt, specialising in housing and homelessness, housing related debt (e.g. rent and mortgage arrears) and employment. Contact them by phone on 01246 550674 / 0800 707 6990.
  • Citizens Advice North East Derbyshire offer general advice and specialist debt advice, open 9:00am - 2:00pm Monday to Friday, contact them by phone on 0808 250 5702.
  • Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre offering independent advice and supporting in applying for benefits. Call the helpline on 01246 231441.
  • Derbyshire Discretionary Fund is a fund to help you when in an emergency or crisis situation, you can apply by calling this number 01629 533399.
  • Rural Action Derbyshire can direct you to a nearby food bank and you can contact them on 01629 592970.

World champion praises pool facilities

Pay a visit to Eckington Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre and you may find yourself rubbing shoulders with a former world champion!

In 2002, Steve Judge was in a devastating car accident which almost claimed his life and left him needing a partial amputation of his right leg and surgery to replace torn ligaments in his left knee. Months of physiotherapy followed, including sessions in the pool at Eckington – all with a cumbersome metal cage fitted to his leg to try to fix his shattered bones.

After being told he may never walk again, Steve battled against the odds to be a paratriathlete, becoming two-times World Champion, European Champion and five-times British Champion! The dad-of-two, now a motivational speaker and author, is urging others to make the most of all the opportunities life gives them, including looking after their health and wellbeing.

Steve (50), who still works out at the centre, said: “I’ve got a documentary being made about my journey, showing how good the facility is and how it’s still helping me."

"Use this amazing facility you are so lucky to have in Eckington."

Steve’s daughter Susannah (15) also recently used the pool at Eckington to help her complete an iron man fundraising challenge, which consisted of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run! The money she raised helped pay for her trip to the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea.

Steve, who is the Cub Scout Leader in Eckington as well as President of Derbyshire Scouts, also attends swimming galas at the pool with up to 80 cubs from Dronfield district.

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At the end, a leader’s race takes place. No prizes for guessing who always comes first! Steve added: “They don’t know me as a world champion, just a cub scout leader.” A documentary about Steve’s journey is expected to be out this year, with talk of a feature film also in the pipeline. He is also hoping to create a new scout badge for scouts who go for GOLD – which for Steve, stands for: Goal, Opportunity, Love, Dream.

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Steve also has a website where you can buy his latest book – GOLD. More information about Eckington Swimming Pool and Leisure Centre can be found on our website and the centre’s Facebook page.

Boxing clever with ‘perfect job’

Do you know who is emptying your bins?

A teenage girl who fought her way to the top of her game to become the world’s youngest boxing champion probably wouldn’t be your first guess! But former Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight star Hollie Towl is now part of our refuse team – the only woman we have working the 57-strong team in NE Derbyshire.

Hollie (19), said: “It’s going good. I’m enjoying it. I like the fitness part as well. “I used to do boxing quite a lot and had a part time job and boxed in between that, but I’m having a break from boxing.” Modest Hollie - also known as the ‘Blonde Bomber’ - has in fact boxed all over the country, racking up numerous wins after starting as an amateur aged just ten.

She eventually turned pro, becoming WIBA World Featherweight champion in 2021 before losing her title in Australia last year. She’s now taking a break from boxing to focus on herself, with plans to travel the world in a year or two – including returning to Australia. In the meantime though, she is loving her new job and the people she works with.

Hollie added: “It’s not the most glamorous job and the bins do smell, but everyone on there is lovely and we all work as a team and make sure everyone else is fine. It’s such a good place to be.” “Some of my mates laughed at first, but it’s got good hours, the people there are lovely and it’s close to home. “I’d recommend it as a job. It’s the perfect job really if you want to stay fit. “Don’t be scared to do it just because you’re a girl!”

Would you like to work for us? Our latest vacancies are listed on Derbyshire County Council's website.

Walk this way

Don’t let the cold weather stop you from getting out and about this winter.

We’ve got some fantastic walks taking place across the district, including a brand new one we are currently trialling in Clay Cross! Clay Cross Monthly Health Walk is a gentle walk around Kenning Park, lasting no more than an hour, and is ideal for those with health conditions. Our final walk takes place on Thursday 23 November from Clay Cross Social Centre.

Meet at 1.15pm, for a 1.30pm start, then return back to the social centre for a chat and warming cuppa. (This walk has a strict no dogs policy).

If the trial is a success, they will become a monthly addition to our walks calendar, so keep a look out on our website and socials for updates.

If you would like more information about other walks across the district, or are interested in leading a group walk, please contact our Walking into Communities Officer, Tel: 01246 231111 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We have walks for all ages and abilities, including in Danesmoor, North Wingfield, Wingerworth, Dronfield and Eckington.

You can check out our walking group timetable on our website, and find a walk that's right up your street!

Clay Cross Together update

Thank you to all our residents who took part in our recent survey over the summer - we have had over 500 responses where you gave us your thoughts on what you would like to see to help improve connections between our Clay Cross and Danesmoor communities, and the opportunities for our walkways and green spaces in Clay Cross.

We are analysing your responses and collating them together to form part of an action plan to deliver improvements in the town that you said were needed. The key areas we, and our partners will focus on, are:

  • Improving safety and tackling anti-social behaviour.
  • Improving footpath conditions around the town.
  • Improving sign posting to local landmarks and places.
  • Raising awareness of points of interest.

We will be working closely with Derbyshire Voluntary Action who will be leading the delivery phase of the project and appointing a local person as a Community Connector for the project. They will use your ideas to plan all improvements, so keep an eye out for this over the coming months and stay up to date with all the latest developments on our website.

New Council Plan launched

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Council Plan sets out ambitious targets over the next four years.

The plan aims to create a great place to live and work in North East Derbyshire, a place where people can earn a decent living have a comfortable home and enjoy our beautiful district. We are committed to achieving this ambitious plan by building and acquiring more affordable houses to rent and will be working closely with our housing delivery partner Rykneld Homes Ltd to do this. We will add more resources to tackle anti-social behaviour, review the way we look after our streets and public spaces in our district and much, much more.

Nigel Barker portrait

Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council, Cllr Nigel Barker said: “These are the things that our communities told us are most important to them…we listened and we pledged to deliver this. We are proud to have been tasked by the people of our district to translate these pledges into meaningful action.

“We also recognise that many of the challenges that we face cannot be delivered by the Council alone and as such we are proud to work in collaboration with our local partners, other public sector organisations, businesses, the voluntary sector and our communities. “North East Derbyshire is our home, and together we will continue building a positive place that we can all share and enjoy.

Lee Hickin

Lee Hickin Managing Director, said: “The approach here at North East Derbyshire District Council is very much aligned to one of ‘collaborative leadership’ and whilst recognising that the roles of elected members and officers are different, we are in essence all here to improve the outcomes for our district and help improve the lives of the people within.

“I truly believe that the adoption and development of our ONE TEAM ethos, coupled with our ‘collaborative leadership’ approach, sets the organisation up to succeed in collectively delivering this exciting new Council Plan and in helping to shape the future of the communities that we serve.

Our Vision Putting strong community leadership at the heart of everything we do, we will create A Great Place...

Our Values are:

  • Be honest and accountable.
  • Treat everyone fairly and with respect.
  • Listen, involve and respond.
  • Embrace change and innovation.
  • Be collaborative, open and transparent.

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Discover the magic of local Christmas Fayre

Shop small, give big this Christmas by supporting local businesses in the heart of your community.

Choose from locally produced food and drink as well as plenty of locally crafted gifts. Fancy a meal out with family? Choose from a wide range of restaurants and cafes.

Red Lion at Peak Edge Hotel - Take in countryside views, relax in a cosy atmosphere whilst easting food that’s been sourced locally. With a fantastic farm to fork story, you won’t be disappointed on a date night dinner or Christmas Day family meal.

Highfield House Farm - If you’re looking for stunning local produce then this farm shop is a must! Cooked meats, pies, pasties, sausage rolls, sausages, black pudding all made on site with local meat available for autumn and Christmas feasts. Find Highfield House on Darley Rd, Ashover, Chesterfield S45 0LW.

Host - It’s the best time of year to head to a local coffee shop for a warming drink and great atmosphere. At award winning Host, you can find good coffee, cake and chat. 13-15 Market Street, Clay Cross.

Host Coffee 1

Cuckoostone - For a unique and truly beautiful Christmas present for a loved one, take a look at North East Derbyshire’s only distillery. Cuckoostone produce gin, rum and vodka using locally sourced ingredients.

cuckoostone stock

Cool Bear Honey Company - Based in Eckington, Cool Bear produce fantastic honey products that are derived from hives around North East Derbyshire. For honey, ethical gifts and unique Christmas presents take a look at their website.

Honey in jar

The Mushroom Emporium - Eating something you have grown yourself always tastes so good, so the North East Derbyshire based Mushroom Emporium have designed a compact, easy to grow at home Fungi Farm Box. Watch your mushrooms grow, and then eat with your favourite dish. The perfect gift for any foodie!

mushroom emporium

This is just a small selection of North East Derbyshire’s businesses, if you have a business in the district and would like to engage with us please get in touch, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Could you save a life?

Pictured: Debra Johnson (CSALS’ community facilitator) with Karl Miller from the charity’s main sponsor, Motan Colortronic. Photo courtesy of Tina Jenne

North-East Derbyshire residents are urged to do a free online first aid course to ensure that they have the knowledge to save a life. CSALS (Community Save a Life Scheme) is a charity dedicated to promoting the need for more people with first aid skills.

The free online course, offered by CSALS in partnership with Virtual College, takes around an hour to complete and includes various modules. The course does not have to be completed in one go, meaning that learners can fit it in around their schedule.

Once completed, a downloadable certificate is available. Debra Johnson, CSALS’ community facilitator, said: “It is vital that more and more people know how to administer first aid as you never know when you may be called upon to help someone in need. It really could be a matter of life or death. “Around 10,000 people from all over the world have already completed the course and we know that lives have been saved as a result of people having done the training.

Changes to the Regulation of the Social Housing Sector

In July, the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 became law.

The act introduces new obligations that landlords will have to follow whilst also giving more powers to the Regulator of Social Housing and the Housing Ombudsman. Also, from April 2024 the Regulator will launch a new, proactive consumer regulation regime, assessing landlords more routinely for compliance. The new regime will focus on delivery of outcomes in line with a set of Consumer Standards. The Regulator will also be consulting on a new Code of Practice for the housing sector.

If you would like to learn more about the changes and have your say visit the website.

Chesterfield Credit Union is here to help

Personal loans from £1,000 - £4,000 are now available. We also have Back to School loans which can be used for many educational purposes and Home Appliance loans which can be taken out for other home-related items.

You do not need a perfect credit record to get a loan but saving is regarded as important. All members are encouraged to save as they borrow and as manager Alan Ward says: “Learn to save, it can be done, savings will help you handle life’s ups and downs’’.

For more information about joining, borrowing from and saving with your Community Bank Telephone 01246 278833 or see the Chesterfield Credit Union website

Raising thousands of pounds for Ashgate Hospicecare

North East Derbyshire District Council Chairman Councillor Martin Thacker MBE is well underway in his bid to raise as much money for Ashgate Hospicecare as possible.

There are more events coming up in the new year not to be missed including:

  • 24 January 2024 - Burns Night, Chesterfield Football Club, SMH Group Stadium at 7pm (tickets cost £30 and include a 2-course meal). Don’t worry if haggis is not to your taste, an alternative option of chicken or vegetarian is available!
  • 8 March 2024 - Elvis Night, Technique Stadium, at 7pm. Enjoy the sounds of Elvis, with what promises to be a memorable night. Your meals will be provided and a fantastic evening of entertainment awaits! Thank you... thank you very much.
  • 16 March 2024 - Chesterfield Male Voice Choir, 2.30pm at Whittington Moor Methodist Church.
  • 20 April 2024 - Honey Belles Concert, St John’s Church, Walton.
  • 21 April 2024 - Chatsworth House Concert, Chatsworth.
  • 12 May 2024 - Barlow Woodseats Hall Lunch, Barlow.

Leisure centres get special accreditation for accessibility and inclusivity for their users

North East Derbyshire District Council has achieved Swim England’s Water Wellbeing Accreditation at two of its leisure centres in Dronfield and Eckington.

The accreditation puts them in the elite group of facilities which are championed for their accessibility and inclusivity for their members, particularly supporting those using the services with long term health conditions.

The accreditation ensures the environment we operate in is both accessible and welcoming. This is not just about the physical environment North East Derbyshire District Council has achieved Swim England’s Water Wellbeing Accreditation at two of its leisure centres in Dronfield and Eckington. Leisure centres get special accreditation for accessibility and inclusivity for their users but also about staff awareness and attitudes.

Pictured: Darren Ward, Stephen Birds and Mark Rocca

The accreditation provided a range of resources including training key frontline staff to better understand the customer experience, as well as developing a personalised aquatic offer to support the needs of those with long term health conditions and the wider community who use the centres.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure, Cllr Kathy Rouse said: “We are delighted to achieve Water Wellbeing Accreditation at two of our leisure centres in Dronfield and Eckington. “It demonstrates our desire to make sure everyone in our community has equal access to our centres regardless of ability or disability. “It means our staff are trained and understanding to a variety of health conditions so we can support and help our residents in being safe and confident in our pools, knowing we are there for their best interests.

Keep burglars at bay

Now that the darker nights are with us, we are urging residents to think about home security during the late afternoon and evenings.

Although our area continues to be a safe place to live, most burglaries are carried out by a thief who might use the darker evenings to check which homes are empty, have valuables on display or searching for any security lapses.

By taking some simple steps you can reduce this from happening:

  • Keep windows and doors locked and secure at all times, whether you are in or out of your home.
  • Keep valuables out of sight and out of reach of cat flaps, letterboxes, downstairs doors and windows.
  • Leave your car keys in a secure place and not on a key hook or near the door.
  • Use outdoor security lighting.
  • Make your home look occupied when you are out – Drawing the curtains or closing blinds, preventing people from looking into your home, can also help make a difference, leave a lamp on timer to come on whilst you are out or leave a radio playing.
  • If it will be dark before you get home, set your lights on timers. Change the times that the lights come on, and in different rooms, to simulate an occupied home.
  • Consider fitting a burglar alarm - make sure it is installed properly by a reputable firm and is working. Also remember to set it before you leave home.
  • A thorny hedge along the boundary of your property may put thieves off, as may a gravel path, as it’s noisy to walk on.
  • Keep gates, garages, sheds or outbuildings secure and ensure no tools are left outside.
  • Make sure your house is visible from the street - keep shrubbery and hedges at the front of the house pruned to below one metre to remove any cover for a burglar to work unseen and give your neighbours every chance to spot something suspicious.
  • Be careful when opening the door to unexpected visitors - prior to opening the door use a spy hole, window or a Ring doorbell to see who is visiting and use a chain on the door. Never let anyone in your house unless it is someone you know and trust – if unsure check their identification details by phoning the genuine telephone number from a company website or search engine, do not use a telephone number on a given ID card. Do not be tempted to deal with businesses who call at your door, Derbyshire County Council hold lists of trusted and approved traders.
  • Never leave a spare key outside of your house – burglars know the usual hiding spots. We encourage people to be a good neighbour and to contact the police if you see anyone acting suspiciously in your area.

Nigel Barker

Cllr Nigel Barker, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Community Safety, said: “Taking just a few moments now to check your home security could mean saving money and heartache in the future should the worse happen.

Ceremony marks the start of work to build 70 ‘much-needed’ homes

Photograph by Beth Walsh Photography. Pictured above: Wayne Hodgkiss, Chair of the Rykneld Homes Board; Councillor Nigel Barker, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council; Helen Brown, Head of Regeneration and Development; Dave Manion, clerk of works at Rykneld Homes; Niall Clark, Director of Property Services and Development at Rykneld Homes.

Photograph by Beth Walsh Photography. Pictured above: Wayne Hodgkiss, Chair of the Rykneld Homes Board; Councillor Nigel Barker, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council; Helen Brown, Head of Regeneration and Development; Dave Manion, clerk of works at Rykneld Homes; Niall Clark, Director of Property Services and Development at Rykneld Homes.

Work is underway on 70 new homes in North Wingfield. The properties, a mix of two, three and four bed houses, and two bed bungalows will all be managed by Rykneld Homes on behalf of North East Derbyshire District Council.

Niall Clark, Director of Property Services and Development, at Rykneld Homes, said: “These 70 homes are a big step towards meeting our target to deliver 400 new homes over the next four years. “These high-quality properties will provide much needed homes for local families. “We look forward to them becoming available.”

A number of old properties were demolished in preparation for the new development which will consist of 48 homes for affordable rent made up of a mix of two, three and four bed houses and two bed bungalows and 22 for open market sale made up of a mix of two and three bed houses.

Ongoing Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund works

Ongoing Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund works

A ground cutting ceremony on 11th September marked the start of building work on the site, off Whiteleas Avenue, by contractor Countryside Partnerships. Rykneld Homes has worked directly with Countryside Partnerships to develop the proposals thanks to the involvement of Efficiency North’s EN:Procure Framework, a not-for-profit consortium serving the construction procurement needs of the social housing landlord community.

Countryside Partnerships will also provide six apprenticeship places over the course of the build. Andy Reynolds, regional MD at Countryside Partnerships said: “We’re delighted to be working with Rykneld Homes and North East Derbyshire District Council again to deliver this significant mixed tenure development in North Wingfield.

The range of dwellings and various tenures will offer the widest possible choice of affordable homes built to the highest standards. “Today we marked the start of this exciting scheme as we broke ground with our development partners and look forward to seeing the project come to life over the next couple of years.” Works are expected to be complete by Summer 2025.

rykneld home

One of the new build bungalows at Pine View

Nigel Barker portrait

Councillor Nigel Barker, leader of North East Derbyshire District Council said: “We are committed to building and providing more social housing and this development is only the beginning. “The houses previously on this site were only built to last 30 years, the homes that will be built here now will be high quality homes for local families to live in for decades to come. “This site will provide much needed housing for our residents and help develop our communities.”

Business Plan agreed for the next four years

At our 2023 AGM, our board and senior leadership team agreed our Business Plan for the next four years. In it, our Chair Wayne Hodgkiss and Managing Director Lorraine Shaw acknowledge that there has never been a more challenging time for the housing sector. But here at Rykneld Homes we’re ready and prepared to step up and meet those challenges head on.

We’ve set ourselves ambitious but achievable aims, including:

  • Delivering 400 homes by 2027
  • Continuing to drive down our carbon footprint
  • Improving the homes we have and
  • Working in collaboration with our partners

Our leadership pairing’s introduction also addresses some of the challenges we face. It reads: “We are seeing an increase in the number of people applying for housing and we want to support them to have a safe and decent home. But it’s equally important to look after and improve the homes we already have, and support the people who live in them.

They also discuss working in partnership with others and performance. “Collaboration is key to achieving our goals and we’ll continue to work closely with our parent Council and all our community partners,” the foreword reads. “Our performance across all service areas is strong, particularly in relation to customer health and safety.”

The plan focuses on Rykneld Homes’ key strategic aims; Providing more homes; Improving homes; Investing in the future; Sustainable communities; Our business and culture. Lorraine and Wayne sign off by saying: “We are proud of the work Rykneld Homes does in our communities, helping and involving customers to live healthily and providing clean and safe areas for people to enjoy. “We are also proud to play our part in making North East Derbyshire a Great Place to live!”

Read the business plan in full on the Rykneld Homes website.

Talent Pipeline

Council introduces new Talent Pipeline Strategy to help local residents progress with their career

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The Talent Pipeline Strategy has been set up to help people progress through a career within North East Derbyshire District Council. It is one strand of the Council’s over-arching People Strategy and is anchored to the Council’s ambition for ‘continued employee growth’ and a ‘grow your own’ corporate mindset.

The approach is both inward and outward facing, providing new opportunities and attracting new people to the organisation whilst creating development pathways for those already employed by the Council. We are looking to recruit local people who are passionate and dedicated. In return we will support you through your journey with us, whether that be apprenticeship schemes, or on the job training.

Paige Kerry a junior accountant at NEDDC said: “I started off as a financial services apprentice, then I did my AAT level, 2, 3 and 4 which made me a qualified AAT Technician, and I’ve recently started Charted Institute of Public Finance Accountancy (CIPFA) to become a chartered accountant.”

Ricky Hadfield, Transport Supervisor said: “When I first started at NEDDC, I never thought I’d get to where I am now. I just thought I’d be a vehicle mechanic and that would be it. But the opportunities, the courses and the progression that you can go through is great, the training provided is basically whatever you can do to help your job.”

As an organisation we embrace innovation, creativity, new ideas and new ways of working to ensure our council reaches a sustainable position. We challenge functional barriers, encourage, coach and empower our colleagues to develop talent from within, create an environment where people want to be successful and take ownership and most importantly - be ONE TEAM.

In building the talent pipeline, we are not only dealing with the ‘here and now’, we are considering our needs for the next 12 or 24 months and beyond. We are one of the largest employers in the district and are passionate about helping our community, not just from the services we provide but by actively seeking to employ from within our district, help grow our staff who are recruited and set them on a fantastic career journey, in turn helping them lead quality lives and improving our district for all.

Managing Director, Lee Hickin said, “To have in place and fill an effective talent pipeline, it is important that the Council utilise many potential sources for people as part of its multiyear strategy – this includes starting early with students at school and colleges. Equally important are the mechanisms through which the potential sources of people are able to engage – the wider the reach, the greater the potential to engage with existing, latent or blossoming talent and the greater the chance of successfully identifying potential future employees.

Joe Birkin portrait

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Council Services, Cllr Joe Birkin, said: “It’s important to us as a local authority to not only have talented staff working for us, but to look after them, and help them develop as they grow from within. What’s great is that the building blocks are already there, with some members of staff really flourishing as they continue their career path with us. If you’re somebody looking to work hard, grow and develop personally and professionally, look no further than a job at North East Derbyshire District Council.”

You’ve bin fantastic!

Cllr Steve Pickering, NEDDC’s Cabinet Member for the Environment, with Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary School.

Cllr Steve Pickering, NEDDC’s Cabinet Member for the Environment, with Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary School.

A huge thank you to all the schools who took part in North East Derbyshire District Council’s recent bin lorry naming competition.

Youngsters from six schools across the district wasted no time in coming up with the following names for the council’s new lower polluting, more efficient waste/recycling lorries:

  • Lenthall Infant School – Waste Wizard
  • Gorseybrigg Primary School – Humpty Dumpsty
  • Sharley Park Community Primary School – Trash Gordon
  • Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary School – Binderella
  • Stretton COE Primary School – Dan the Trash Can
  • Marsh Lane Primary School – Peter Shredder

Once the children submitted the names, it was up to the Street Scene staff to decide on their favourites. The schools will all receive a £100 Amazon voucher each.

As Gorseybrigg and Immaculate Conception also submitted the name Mission Binpossible (which received the second highest number of votes of the competition), they will also share an additional £100 Amazon voucher – giving both schools £150 each.

: Cllr Pickering with Stretton Handley COE Primary School.

Cllr Pickering with Stretton Handley COE Primary School.

We now have names for seven out of ten of our refuse vehicles, but with three left nameless, we are hoping to run the competition again in the new year for even more schools to have the chance of naming them. The names will be printed on the vehicle cabs, so see who you can spot doing the rounds near you!

Councillor Pickering

Cllr Steve Pickering, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “We have been really impressed with the creative names chosen by the children for our new refuse vehicles. “During Recycle Week (16 - 22 October), this was a great opportunity to highlight the importance of recycling and working together to take care of our environment.

Refuse & Recycling NORTH

bin collection cut out

Refuse & Recycling SOUTH

bin collection cut out south

Help us to help you

  • Ensure wheelie bins are presented at the kerbside or an agreed collection point on the day of collection by no later than 6.30am.
  • Please ensure the lid is closed (flat lid). •
  • SIDE WASTE IS NOT TAKEN AT ANY TIME with your black or green bins.
  • Please don’t overload your bin.
  • Large flattened cardboard packaging may be presented with burgundy bins.
  • Recycle as much of your waste as possible, using your burgundy bin.
  • Bulky household waste can be disposed of free of charge at household waste recycling centres across the county.
  • More information on the website.
  • We also provide a bulky household waste collection service, for a small charge.

Extended Green Bin collections

Due to requests from residents - we will be extending green waste collections: North: Extended to 24 November 2023 South: Extended to 1 December 2023 The collections will recommence at the beginning of March 2024, see calendars for more details.

What goes in my bin?

What's on in North East Derbyshire?


  • Christmas Fayre: Friday 1 December, 10am to 8pm at Eckington Civic Centre. Disney themed/fancy dress with great prizes! Food and drink stalls, craft table, face painting available.
  • Breakfast with Santa: Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 December, 10am to 11.30am at Eckington Civic Centre. Price: £7.50 per child. Includes children’s breakfast, small selection box, party dances and a meet and greet with Santa. Call 01246 432770 to book. Tickets available from TicketSource.
  • Kids' Christmas Disco: Friday 22 December, 6pm to 8pm at Eckington Civic Centre. Price: £7.50 per child, adults free. Includes buffet. Tickets available from TicketSource.


  • Christmas Wreath Making: Wednesday 29 November, 6pm to 9pm at Killamarsh Parish Suite. Price: £35pp Includes refreshments and cake. Bring scissors/ secateurs, ribbons, novelty items. To book call: 0114 2472260.
  • Christmas Craft Fair: Sunday 3 December, 11am to 4pm at Killamarsh Parish Suite. Handmade decorations, wax melts, Christmas cards and much more! Free entry, no ticket required.


  • Christmas Lights Switch-on: Friday 24 November 4pm to 8pm at Dronfield Library Gardens. Festive stalls from 4pm in the Civic Hall, followed by the lights switch on at 6pm. Late night stalls open at Dronfield Hall Barn.
  • Breakfast with Santa: Sunday 26 November, 10am to 12pm at Dronfield Hall Barn. Book a table for the whole family to enjoy breakfast with Santa. £20 per child, 15 per adult. Pre-booking required, contact Dronfield Hall Barn.
  • Christmas Artisan Market: Friday 24 November, 4pm to 7.30pm and Saturday 25 November 10am to 3pm at Dronfield Hall Barn and Peel Centre. Free entry, no ticket required.

Matlock Farm Park


  • Christmas Market: Saturday 2 December, 9am to 2.30pm at Uppertown Social Centre. Stalls packed with local producers and businesses. Free parking, free entry and dogs welcome


  • Christmas Craft Fair: Saturday 4 November, 10am to 4pm at Wingerworth Parish Rooms. Beautiful handmade items include pottery, leather goods, Christmas cards and decorations.


  • Christmas Wreath Making: Sunday 26 November, 6pm to 8pm at Tupton Village Hall. Price: £30pp. Call 07377 583272 to book.
  • Christmas Market: Saturday 2 December at Tupton Village Hall. For details, please call 07052 916 488.
  • Christmas Meal: Sunday 17 December at Tupton Village Hall. For details, please call 07052 916 488.

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