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Derbyshire Flooding - Updates and Advice

Find out how to access government support, advice and help for those affected by the recent floods

UPDATE 23/01/23

Support for eligible flood-hit property owners will be able to apply for up to £5,000 to help make their homes and businesses more resilient to future flooding via the Property Flood Resilience Repair Grant Scheme. These scheme is being delivered by Derbyshire County Council and further information can be found on the DCC website.

Please be aware that other Government financial support schemes for residents and businesses affected by Storm Babet have now closed.

Government Financial Support for flood victims

The Government has announced that communities impacted by flooding will benefit from funding support to help them recover from the impact of Storm Babet.

Flood Recovery Framework in North East Derbyshire

North East Derbyshire District Council is beginning it’s roll-out of recovery support for households and businesses affected by Storm Babet between 19th October 2023 and 25th October 2023. Delivering initiatives through the national Flood Recovery Framework, which supports councils and communities following severe flooding, assistance will focus on:


  • Council Tax Discount: Households internally flooded and deemed to be unliveable for a period greater than 48 hours can claim a 100% council tax discount for a minimum of 3 months. To be eligible the property must be unoccupied, with resident(s) moving to another property. Once a household has registered with us one of our officers will visit the property to assess if it meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Community Recovery Grant: Flooded households in affected areas can apply for up to £500 to help with immediate costs. To be eligible, households will either have been internally flooded in habitable areas (not garages, sheds or cellars) or deemed to be unliveable for a period greater than 48 hours. As well as sending out officers to visit our communities that have been worst affected by flooding, households can also register for a visit form one of our officers to assess if eligibility criteria are met.

Households eligible for the Council Tax Discount will automatically receive the Community Recovery Grant and do not require another visit although we will be in contact with you for confirmation of your bank details.


  • Business Recovery Grant: Small-to-medium sized businesses in affected areas will be eligible for up to £2,500 to help them return quickly to business as usual. Further details on the scheme are currently awaited from the Government; businesses are asked to register with us so we can inform on the next steps as soon as possible.
  • Business Rates Relief: Businesses may be eligible for 100% Rates Relief for a minimum of three months, where flood water entered the property, or the flooding seriously impacted upon the ability to trade from the property for over 48 hours. Once a business has registered with us one of our officers will visit the property to assess if it meets the eligibility criteria.

To register interest in any of these schemes, please contact the Council on 01246 231111 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Households and Businesses: Property Flood Resilience Repair Grant Scheme

In addition to the support above, eligible flood-hit property owners will be able to apply for up to £5,000 to help make their homes and businesses more resilient to future flooding via the Property Flood Resilience Repair Grant Scheme. More details how this Scheme will operate will be publicised as soon as it is available.

Contacts and help

Storm Babet has brought significant challenges to residents and businesses across Derbyshire and all of our public services, and we know this has been and continues to be a very difficult time for many.

Over the course of 18 hours we had a whole month’s rainfall, which will have affected a great many people, their homes and their livelihoods.

Along with partner agencies, we worked tirelessly over the weekend to both warn and inform residents of the weather and flood situation, and to deal with events on the ground.

For those affected by the floods listed below is some useful advice/pointers:

Firstly, and most importantly, follow the advice of your insurer. Generally, the insurance company will need to visit to make their assessment before anything is moved from the house. If you are struggling with accommodation, please raise this with your insurer too and they should be able to find you alternative accommodation.

If you are concerned about housing matters and your insurer can’t assist, then please contact North East Derbyshire District Council on 01246 231111. Any Council tenants should contact Rykneld Homes on 01246 217670 in the first instance.

Understandably there is anxiety regarding flooding in the future, registering for flood alerts may ensure you have maximum time to take any mitigating action.

Other partner agencies can offer support and advice and a summary of this is listed below.

Derbyshire Law Centre provides free advice on all debt, specialising in housing and homelessness, housing-related debt, (e.g. rent and mortgage arrears) employment employment and providing legal advice and support to residents that have been affected by the floods and cannot return to their properties. Contact them by phone on 01246 550674 / 0800 707 6990, or find out more on the Derbyshire Law Centre website

Citizens Advice North East Derbyshire offer general advice and specialist debt advice, open 9:00am - 2:00pm Monday to Friday, contact them by phone on 0808 250 5702 and find out more on the Citizens Advice North East Derbyshire website

Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre offering independent advice and supporting in applying for benefits. Call the helpline on 01246 231441 or find out more on the Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre website.

Derbyshire Discretionary Fund is a fund to help you when in an emergency or crisis situation, you can apply by calling this number 01629 533399 and you can find out more on the Derbyshire County Council Discretionary Fund webpage.

Household Support Fund Grants are available for households facing financial hardship and can apply for help towards their food, energy and essential living costs.

Rural Action Derbyshire can direct you to a nearby food bank using the Rural Action Derbyshire Food Bank Near You webpage You can also contact them on 01629 592970.

We urge residents to:

  • Not ignore road closed signs
  • Not travel unless essential from now until Saturday at the earliest
  • Continue to watch weather & flooding updates
  • Look out for vulnerable neighbours, especially if they have care services who may not be able to reach them.
  • Never drive or walk into floodwater, even if it appears shallow – it could endanger your life.
  • Keep away from river banks and pathways close to rivers. The paths may have become unstable and slippery
  • Never enter the water to rescue anyone, or an animal in difficult in the water. Call 999 immediately and tell them to float on their back
  • Keep dogs on leads close to water
  • Report life threatening events to the police by calling 999
  • Any issues on the roads, such as trees down or flooding can be reported online: Report a road fault or ask about a road issue - Derbyshire County Council
  • Households and businesses in known flooding areas are encouraged to take steps to protect their properties.

Advice is available online for anyone whose home has been affected by flooding on the following websites:

Road Closures

For the latest on road closures, please visit Derbyshire County Council's Weather Related Road Closures page.

Water safety:

  • Many rivers and streams will remain very full and fast-flowing for several days. Keep away from river banks and pathways close to rivers. The paths may have become unstable and slippery.
  • Never enter the water to rescue anyone, or an animal in difficulty in the water. Call 999 immediately and tell them to float on their back
  • Keep dogs on leads close to water.

For more on water safety: Water safety: Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service


  • There are still road closures in place. Please do not ignore road closure signs, they are there for your safety.
  • Where flooding has subsided there are highways teams out across the county working to clear roads of debris and make them safe to travel on. Many roads have been affected and this is taking some time, so please bear with us.
  • Many road surfaces will have been damaged by the flooding so please drive carefully.

Check the Derbyshire Flood Update

Dealing with a flood at home or a business:

  • If using portable indoor heating appliances to dry out indoor spaces ensure good ventilation. Do not use fuel-powered appliances indoors as the exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide which can kill. .
  • If you notice a change in drinking water quality, such as a change in the colour, taste or smell of your tap water, contact your local water company.
  • Infection problems arising from floods in this country are rare but wherever possible, try to avoid coming into direct contact with floodwater. If you have to go into the water, wear waterproof gloves and be aware of hidden hazards under the water. Wash your hands frequently – this is the most important way to get rid of harmful bugs.
  • Do not turn on gas or electrics if they may have been exposed to floodwater, to protect against electric shock, get them checked by qualified technicians.
  • Do not eat any food that has been in contact with floodwater.

More info: Flooding: health guidance and advice - GOV.UK

Check the UKHSA's online guide for information on how to clean your home safely if it has been flooded.

Mental health support:

Public Health advice for those affected by flooding

If you have been flooded or live near a river in flood, remember that accidents happen in fast flowing floodwater so avoid walking or driving in or anywhere near floodwater. If your home has been damaged by floodwater, consider staying with friends or family, or ask your local authority to help you find alternative accommodation. Only consider returning to your home when essential repairs and cleaning have been completed.

Do not let children play in floodwater and take care if you or your family must go into flood water as there could be hidden dangers like sharp objects, raised manhole covers and pollution.

Wash your hands regularly. If water is not available use hand sanitising gel or wet wipes.

It is important when cleaning up after a flood to never use outdoor petrol or diesel generators indoors even in the event of a power cut. The exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide which can kill in a confined space such as a home. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal. Also, after being flooded, remember not to turn on gas or electrics until they have been checked by a qualified technician. Avoid eating food that has touched flood water or fresh food that has been in the fridge. Clean all work surfaces before and after preparing food.

If you can, support those around you please do. Neighbours, family and friends may also have been badly affected and need help. If you’re able, think what you can do to assist them with the support they need.

People may feel tired, anxious or have difficulty sleeping if they are affected by flooding. Contact friends and family for support as it can take a long time for life to return to normal, and if necessary call NHS 111 or visit your GP practice for mental health support or medical advice.”

Live Updates

UPDATE 22/10/23:

Statement on behalf of the Derbyshire Local Resilience Forum

Over the last three days Derbyshire has seen unprecedented flooding across large parts of the county.

Hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes as flood waters reached record levels in many areas.

A major incident was declared on Friday and partner agencies across the county have been working together every hour since in response.

One of the areas particularly affected was Chesterfield and, due to the number of properties affected, rest centres were set up for residents to take shelter.

Sadly, it has been confirmed today that one person has lost their life during the incident.

On Saturday (21 October) Derbyshire Constabulary was contacted to reports that a woman had been found at her home in Tapton Terrace.

Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service, East Midlands Ambulance Service and police officers arrived at the flat and found a woman, aged in her 80s, inside.

Her family are aware and the thoughts of every partner agency are with them at this sad time.

Understandably there are questions surrounding her death – and there is an ongoing police investigation into the circumstances.

At the same time as those enquiries the recovery operation continues to ensure all areas affected are made safe and that people can return to their homes as soon as they are able.

Flood water in many parts of the county is beginning to recede although river levels in the south of the county are expected to continue to rise throughout the day.

If you must travel, please keep safe on the roads and expect some disruption as debris and mud may have damaged local roads. Never drive or walk into flood water even if it appears shallow – it could endanger your life.

Derbyshire Local Resilience Forum (LRF) is a partnership of agencies who provide a strategic oversight and co-ordination of emergency planning in Derbyshire in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.

The LRF is made up of emergency services, local authorities, the NHS and the Environment Agency.

UPDATE 21/10/23:

All agencies and councils involved in the relief effort during and in the aftermath of Storm Babet would like to thank the residents of Derbyshire for their ongoing resilience, cooperation, and community-spirit.

Cleaning up safely following flooding

Public Health England (now UKHSA), has published an online guide with the Environment Agency that contains information for the public on how to clean up their homes safely if they have been flooded.

The guidance offers key advice for cleaning up after the floods, including:

  • wear rubber boots, waterproof gloves and an apron for cleaning
  • wash your hands thoroughly after each clean-up session and keep cuts or sores clean by using waterproof plasters to prevent infection transmission
  • do not turn on gas or electrics if they may have been exposed to floodwater, to protect against electric shock, get them checked by qualified technicians

When you are drying out your property:

  • ensure good ventilation
  • never use petrol or diesel generators indoors, as their fumes contain carbon monoxide
  • heating, dehumidifiers and good ventilation can help dry out your home

A spokesman from UKHSA says:

Research has shown that the infection risk following flooding is low and health risks associated are likely to be minimal. However, the public can reduce risks to themselves and their families by following public health advice and taking sensible precautions including good hand and food hygiene. One of the key things to avoid, is using petrol or diesel generators to dry out your home as the exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide which can kill.

UPDATE 21/10/2023:

It’s been a difficult night and a challenging situation throughout Derbyshire this morning with floodwater still affecting most roads and many properties across the county.

Councils and emergency services have been working through the night to help deal with the major incident.

As the rain begins to slow, the appeal to residents to “only travel if essential” remains in place as river levels remain high and rising in places – especially towards the south of the county.

As flood water begins to recede in places, hazards may remain on the roads and we need to inspect routes to clear any debris and check they are safe.

The picture in Derby City is also very serious with severe flooding in place, major road closures and traffic disruption across the city. Motorists are advised to avoid the area.

Advice from all partners involved is:

  • Do not travel unless essential from now until further information is available later in the weekend, and continue to watch weather and flooding updates.
  • Look out for vulnerable neighbours, especially if they have care services who may not be able to reach them.
  • Never drive or walk into floodwater, even if it appears shallow – it could endanger your life.

We are doing all we can to update the One Network website with all known road closures because of the floods. As you can appreciate this is a fast moving situation, but we are doing all we can to keep this website up to date.

A rest centre remains in place at The Queen’s Park Sports Centre in Chesterfield for residents in the area whose homes are affected.