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Houses of Multiple Occupation

All Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s) with 5 or more occupiers living as 2 or more households, must have a HMO Licence from their local authority. Where a HMO is occupied by less than 5 people, it will not require a licence.

The Public Register of Licensed Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) shows if a landlord has been issued with a HMO Licence for his or her property and the expiry date of the HMO Licence. New HMO licence applications will not appear on the Houses in Multiple Occupation register (below) until they have been processed and issued. Landlords of properties issued with HMO Licences must display a copy of their HMO Licence in a prominent position within the licensed premises.

If you have any queries in relation to an HMO property which has been licensed, or which you feel should be licensed, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 01246 231111.

When assessing a licence application, the Council will consider the suitability and condition of the building for the number of proposed occupiers, as well as the suitability of the proposed licence holder. Applicants will need to demonstrate that fire safety arrangements are in place and adequate, and that the building has sufficient space and amenities. A list of required documents (such as current gas safety certificate and electrical installation condition report) will also need to be supplied for the application to be a valid one.

Landlords of relevant HMO properties must ensure that they submit an application for an HMO licence to the Council. Applications can be made by contacting us for an application form. There is an initial application fee of £496 with a further fee when the licence is granted of £111 making a total HMO licence fee of £607 (we are under a legal obligation to split the fee). The HMO licence will last for up to 5 years.

There are significant financial penalties for landlords should applications not be made and if they continue to operate the HMO after 1st October 2018. If landlords do not have a licence, or breach HMO licence conditions, they are committing a criminal offence.

Landlords of properties who are already licensed under the previous HMO licensing scheme do not need to re-apply until their current HMO licence is close to expiry.

For further information please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 01246 231111.

HMO Register

  • Name of licence holder: Mr Steve Marshall
  • Address of HMO: 182 High Street, Stonebroom, DE55 6JT
  • Number of households/Persons: 6
  • Licence information: Start 22/4/22, ends 22/4/27
  • Licence holders address: As above