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Fly Tipping

What is fly tipping?

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste on land that isn’t licensed to receive it. Fly-tipping is dangerous for the environment, it pollutes land and waterways and costs the tax payer significant amounts of money to clear away.

Is fly tipping a crime?

Fly tipping waste is a serious criminal offence. Anyone caught fly tipping risks getting a criminal record, losing their vehicle (if it was used to fly-tip), being fined or even being sent to prison. North East Derbyshire District Council will seek to prosecute anyone responsible for fly tipping.

Report fly tipping

If you have found fly-tipping in the District, or seen someone who has contributed to this, please report this to us online, at your convenience, so we can investigate and action as soon as possible.

What can the council do?

The council’s Environmental Health enforcement team aim to investigate all reports of fly tipping for possible evidence that may identify those responsible. Environmental Health enforcement officers will interview suspects under caution or serve notices requiring information to build their case and prosecute those responsible.

Penalty - When your waste is fly tipped

If your waste is found fly tipped, even though you were not responsible, you will be required to explain the circumstances as to how it came to be fly tipped. If you have failed in your householder duty of care by passing your waste to an unlicensed waste collector then you may receive a £400 penalty notice (reduced to £300 if paid within 10 days).

You can check if your waste carrier is licenced, via the government website.

Who is responsible for clearing fly tipping?

The council Streetscene service will remove fly tipping on public land, but fly tipping on private land is the responsibility of the land owner. The Environmental Health enforcement team will take action against landowners who fail to clear their land of fly tipping as it is an eyesore and likely to attract and encourage further fly tipping.