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Our Commitment

North East Derbyshire District Council's commitment to Climate Change

Climate Change Strategy

NEDDC Climate Change Strategy 2024-2030 (.pdf | 12mb) this was approved on 28th March 2024 and sets out how the council plans to reduce carbon emissions, the main themes are:

  • Operational Practices and Procurement
  • Sustainable Buildings and Workplaces
  • Low Carbon Transport
  • Renewable Energy
  • Planning
  • Biodiversity
  • Waste, Recycling and Pollution
  • Housing
  • Local Economy
  • Community Collaboration

Climate Change Action Plan

Content to follow.


Content to follow

Parish Climate Pack

Parish Climate Pack (.pdf | 2.42mb): this contains advice and action worksheets to help reduce your carbon emissions. The main focuses of this are:

  • Building efficiency, Utilities, Waste, Outdoor Things, Biodiversity, Consumables, Procurement.