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Pests (Pest Control)

Pests we treat

North East Derbyshire District Council is happy to provide the services below to all our residential properties within the district.

Pest Treatment Cost (including Call Out Fee) Non-refundable fee (Call Out Fee)
Ants £70.00 £25.00
Bed Bugs £100.00 £25.00
Cockroaches £75.00 £25.00
Fleas £80.00 £25.00
Mice (Internal only) £55.00 £25.00
Rats £54.00 £25.00
Wasps £57.00 £25.00

There is a non-refundable call out fee of £25. This is included in the prices.

Certain income related benefits may be eligible for a 50% fee reduction (including the call out fee).

Pest Treatment Cost (With 50% reduction) Non-refundable fee (Call Out Fee)
Ants £35.00 £12.50
Bed Bugs £50.00 £12.50
Cockroaches £37.50 £12.50
Fleas £40.00 £12.50
Mice (internal only) £27.50 £12.50
Rats £27.00 £12.50
Wasps £28.50 £12.50

To check if you qualify for a discount or book a treatment, please call 01246 231111.

Other services we offer

Fumigation of empty properties - £65.00

We are limited on the pests we can treat, but happy to provide you with basic advice on most common pests.

Pests we are unable to treat

Find out more information on pests we don't treat. Call us on 01246 231111 for anything else, a technician will then be asked to call you back and discuss you query.

What to expect after calling us

Once you have arranged an appointment, our Qualified Pest Technicians will attend on the day booked.

We do not allocate appointment times; we will however try to accommodate any reasonable requests. Please discuss when booking the appointment.

Our technicians are legally required to verify the pest (physically) before any treatment and the use of insecticides or rodenticides.



We will only treat ants that are entering a property, control is usually achieved with a one-off treatment.



A letter will be sent in advance either by post or email (preferred choice), with a list of preparation tasks to complete, this is to assist in the effectiveness of your treatment.

The first appointment will be booked to allow you time to complete the preparations.

Failure to prepare may mean the initial visit is delayed and an additional fee of £25 will be charged.

On the initial visit the technician will verify activity and treat accordingly, insect monitors will then be deployed to check on the activity levels.

A second Visit will then be booked around 2 weeks later, the technician will resurvey the property and check the insect monitors, you may require a further treatment following this assessment.

If no activity is found the monitors will be removed.

Should a further treatment be carried out, then a follow up appointment will be made, this will usually be around 4 weeks later.

During the treatment you may still find activity, this is completely normal as the insecticide takes time to be fully effective.



A letter will be sent in advance either by post or email (preferred choice), with a list of preparations tasks to complete, this is to assist in the effectiveness of your treatment.

The first appointment will be booked to allow you time to complete the preparations.

Failure to prepare may mean the initial visit is delayed and an additional fee of £25 will be charged.

On the initial visit the technician will verify activity and treat accordingly, insect monitors will be deployed to check on the activity levels.

A second Visit will be booked around 2 weeks later, the technician will resurvey the property and check the insect monitors, you may require a further treatment following this assessment.

A final visit to check the monitors will be made around 4 weeks later where the insect monitors will be removed.

During the treatment you may still find activity, this is completely normal as the insecticide takes time to be fully effective.



The Pest Technician will treat the nest once wasps are verified, we do not treat any species of bee. If we attend and identify the nest to be on a different property we can not legally treat them, in this case we will only charge the call out fee.

The treatment may show initial signs of success but can take around 3 days to become effective. A further treatment may be necessary if you still have activity after 7 days.

Wasp activity is usually seen between April and October, but it is not until around late May when you will start seeing wasps, before this any wasps you will be seeing are normally queens looking for a nest site.

We allow up to 14 days following the initial visit to notify us that the wasps are still active, any requests after this period will incur the full treatment cost being charged before we will reattend.



A letter will be sent in advance either by post or email (preferred choice), with a list of preparations tasks to complete, this is to assist in the effectiveness of your treatment.

The first appointment will be booked to allow you time to complete the preparations.

Failure to prepare may mean the initial visit is delayed and an additional fee of £25 will be charged.

On the initial visit the technician will verify activity and treat accordingly, insect monitors will be deployed to check on the activity levels.

A second Visit will be booked around 2 weeks later, the technician will resurvey the property and check the insect monitors, you may require a further treatment following this assessment.

During the treatment you may still find activity, this is completely normal as the insecticide takes time to be fully effective.

A final visit to check the monitors will be made around 4 weeks later where the insect monitors will be removed.

Mice & Rats



Please be aware that we DO NOT treat mice externally, if during the treatment this is found to be the active pest then all treatments will be stopped, and the equipment and bait removed.

We endeavour to complete your treatment within 3 visits.

Initial appointment – The technician will survey your property for activity, potential sources of entry and any housekeeping concerns that may have increased the risk of the pest activity.

Any recommendations will be recorded and discussed with you at the initial visit, it is advisable to follow and complete any recommendations as soon as possible.

Bait stations will be deployed to address the activity.

A follow up appointment will then be arranged (usually 2 weeks later) to review activity, check the bait stations, and resurvey the property, any previous recommendations will also be reviewed.

A final appointment will be arranged around 4 weeks later to recheck the activity and remove any bait and equipment. Should further visits be required a further charge may be required, your pest control technician will discuss this with you at the time.

We are legally required to remove any bait left following the treatment; this will also include the removal of any equipment used in the treatment process.

During the treatment, you may find deceased rodents. If the technician is due, they will remove any accessible bodies, but will not remove floorboards or kick plates etc.

You can also dispose of the body by double bagging the rodent and placing it in your black bin, please wear gloves and wash hands thoroughly afterwards. (You can use a spade, shovel, or litter picker to pick the rodent up.)

Should the dead rodent not be retrievable, you may notice a rotting cabbage/fish/gas type odour and an increase in flies.

This smell can be masked by using a deodoriser not an air freshener, air fresheners will only briefly mask an odour but does not remove it.

These can be purchased from supermarkets, DIY, and other various stores (look for sprays or gel containing Neutradol).

The odour usually takes around 14 days to disappear. The odour is faint at first, but gets progressively worse while the decomposition process occurs, the odour will gradually tail off.

Any flies can be treated using a common fly spray (available from supermarkets, DIY, and other various stores); they will gradually disappear as the rodent’s body decomposes.

Invasive Species

Please see the Government Guidance information for dealing with pests such as invasive weeds like Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam and Giant Hogweed.