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An Overview

Who make up Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs)?

Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) are made up of representatives from:

  • The police and Police and Crime Commissioner
  • The local council, Derbyshire Fire and Rescue
  • Clinical Commissioning Groups
  • Probation services (responsible authorities)

Community Safety Partnerships were set up as statutory bodies under Sections 5-7 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

What do Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) do?

The responsible authorities work together to develop and implement strategies to protect their local communities from crime and to help people feel safe.

They work out local approaches to deal with issues including antisocial behaviour, drug or alcohol misuse and re-offending as well as crime and disorder.

They also work with others who have a key role, including community groups, schools and registered local landlords.

Useful Websites