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Community Action Grant Success Stories

New Tupton Evangelical Church Food Bank

New Tupton Evangelical Church Food Bank were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant. The group received £500 to re-stock the foodbank and offer free coffee mornings for local residents. The project addressed social isolation, provided support, and improved health & wellbeing to those in need within the local community. The project lead, Sylvia Tidmarsh said, "The grant we received from North East Derbyshire District Council for our foodbank was a great help. Because of Covid-19 and having to close for 6 months, we needed to replenish the food. We then opened again and gave out food parcels to those in need. I would like to say a big thank-you to you."

Morton Village Hall Community Café

Morton Village Hall Community Café were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant. The group received £500 for new tables for the community café. The project addresses social isolation and provides an environment where villagers old and young can meet and socialise. Mr & Mrs Randle, local residents stated "It's a wonderful facility that was needed in the village and we're looking forward to going. We can’t go out much now due to our age, but our weekly visits to the café will keep us going and Monday can’t come quick enough for us. The café really will help us feel less isolated." The Café re-opened in the village hall in Morton on Monday 17th May.

Eckington Town Team

In 2021/22 Eckington Town Team were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant of £500 to help set up a website for the town to promote local activities, walks, history, events, projects, community groups, organisations and businesses. The projects aim was to improve wellbeing, social interaction and the local economy in the area. Margaret Fry, Chair of Eckington Town Team states, "Thank you so much to NEDDC from all of us at ETT. The grant ensured that the project could go forward and the website was up and running as soon as possible. This was really exciting for us to be able to get this project funded as we are sure it will benefit many of the local businesses and help other organisations to share their news and projects. Once again a sincere thank you for your support."

Eckington Town Team were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant to help produce Eckington Parish Voices booklet. The group received £500 towards the booklet, which is a record of local stories, memories and photographs by members of the local community. The project aims were to improve wellbeing and social interaction and help support the local economy by promoting visitors to the area. The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving physical and mental wellbeing; Enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations; Promoting heritage sites; Encouraging day-trippers and over-night stays.

The Dronfield Knitters for the Homeless project

The Dronfield Knitters for the Homeless Project has over 60 online members and the group has helped to reduce loneliness and isolation among their volunteers. Funding was provided to replenish the yarn stock and the group knitted over 500 hats and snoods which were donated to homeless people and rough sleepers in the area. Liz Hepworth from the group said “In a very small way our group shows that someone cares enough to help. The funding from NEDDC has enabled our project to thrive and we are very grateful for the help. We could not have continued after the first weeks without it”. One volunteer group member said “I love being part of something that makes a difference and stops me feeling so lonely".

The Dronfield Heritage Trust

The Dronfield Heritage Trust were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for the Dronfield Hall Barn Community Christmas Project. The group received £500 to purchase Christmas lights, gazebos and equipment. The project addressed social isolation by providing an uplifting event for the community and a chance for volunteers to get involved. It also provided an opportunity to network with businesses to help develop future relationships. Some of the feedback stated from attendees were; “'It was lovely to be a small part of it', “Fabulous, well done to all”.

1st Wingerworth Brownies

The 1st Wingerworth Brownies were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant to purchase vital equipment to secure the future of the Unit. The group received £370 to purchase extra equipment to ensure Covid-19 safety; stationery and craft equipment so each Brownie could have her own pack and sports and storage equipment. The aim of the project helps support Council priorities by addressing local issues and concerns, and it enabled local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations. Nikki Tugby, Leader of 1st Wingerworth Brownies said, “Had we not received funding through this project, we would have had to seriously consider the future of the unit as we simply would not have had the means to provide suitable craft, activity and cleaning equipment when face to face meetings resumed. This funding has alleviated a great deal of pressure and stress from our adult volunteers, who can now plan confidently for face-to-face meetings, safe in the knowledge that this project has funded all of the essential items needed to run those meetings safely and in line with Government guidelines and Girl guiding policies.”

Killamarsh Badminton Club

Killamarsh Badminton Club were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for an Open Badminton Project. The group received £490 to set up a new club night at the local sports centre for new young players and members of the local community, which offered 10 weeks of free badminton with active club members offering coaching and guidance. The aim of the project was to improve physical and mental wellbeing, increase exercise and it also enabled local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers. Darrell Eyre from the KBC said “The take-up for club attendance based on feedback at the end of the sessions was an overwhelming success, with some of the new young players looking to join the club”.

Temple Normanton School Playscheme group

Temple Normanton School Playscheme group were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for a Community Woodland Project. The group received £500 to improve a community meadow area, enable crown lifting of a woodland area and the instillation of two benches. The aim of the project helped support Council priorities by addressing local issues and concerns by improving wellbeing, encouraging exercise, enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers, and enhancing biodiversity by supporting new habitats, wildlife corridors and managing open spaces to promote vital plants and pollinators. Stephen Wright, Project Manager said, “Some residents noticed immediately the difference the work had made, as they can now sit, enjoy and appreciate the woodland. Thank you for this much needed and appreciated grant funding.”

The Hub at Gladstone in Clay Cross

The Hub at Gladstone in Clay Cross were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for a Mining Memories project. The group received £500 for activities including the collection of stories and memorabilia from local people who had been involved or had memories of mining in the area. An exhibition also took place and training for participants. One of the participants commented “Had I not took part in this heritage project it would have been particularly difficult to have found a way through the last lockdown. I live on my own and found the dark evenings lonely, but this project gave me a chance to refocus on things and gave me something to do“.

5th Dronfield Cubs

The 5th Dronfield Cubs were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for a new outside activity zone. The group received £500 which enabled the group to meet outdoors each week. The funding was used to provide planters for each section to use for gardening projects and a new campfire circle, which is available for Scouting and Guiding and for local families and other groups. The activities have enabled young people to learn about gardening and help complete their Gardeners Badge and engage new volunteers. Chris Smith, Group Leader said “I can't believe how something so simple can change so much over time! Thank you to everyone who has supported us with this grant. The results are beyond our dreams!”

Pilsley Village Sports Association

Pilsley Village Sports Association were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for jet tasing and storage equipment. The group received £500 for the items which will help maintain the outside of the pavilion and adequate storage to ensure that the building is safe. A representative from the Association said “We would like to thank the NEDDC again for its help in securing the equipment.”

Killamarsh Community Speed Watch Group

The Killamarsh Community Speed Watch Group were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant and the group received £500 to fund equipment which enables the group, made up of local volunteers, to work with Derbyshire Police to monitor vehicle speeds to provide a high visibility presence and to educate drivers. The project also includes a training programme for members of the group and working with the local Police to offer awareness sessions using the new equipment for local schools and youth groups. The project supports the council plan by creating a safer District, helping communities to address local issues and enhancing our residents’ quality of lives. The residents of Killamarsh all benefit from the project in terms of deterring speeding vehicles, leading to safer roads and fewer accidents in the community. Cllr Steve Clough, Chair of Killamarsh Parish Council said, "The issue of speeding in Killamarsh is one that is regularly in conversation with residents. It is reassuring that the village now has a visible presence to deter drivers using excess speed.’’

Chesterfield Litter Picking Group

Chesterfield Litter Picking Group were successful in applying for a £481 Community Action Grant to buy more equipment for group litter picks, as the number of members were increasing quickly. The group's aim is to clean up problem areas within local communities to improve outdoor spaces. The project has also helped the group attract new members and offered the opportunity for people to make new friends and help out in their community, which has a positive impact on wellbeing. The activity also helps the environment and wildlife to thrive. Tracey Clifford, leader of the group stated "Members say how much they enjoy their time with the group, being out in the fresh air, doing exercise, making new friends and also helping the environment". The project helps communities address local issues and concerns, enables local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations, and ensures a clean, green environment.

Ridgeway WI group

Last year the Ridgeway WI group were successful in applying for a £500 Community Action Grant to purchase IT equipment to support hybrid WI meetings events and campaigns via Zoom. The group's aim was to allow members to join remotely and to invite a range of diverse, high-profile speakers from other parts of the country, which would not have been accessible without the benefit of the equipment. A couple of the members stated, "A big thank you to all the committee for everything you have all done for us during this terrible year.” and “As things are now at home I cannot get to the meetings but still like to hear all the news on Zoom and Email." The project helps communities address local issues and concerns, improves wellbeing and enables local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

St Andrew's School PTFA Dronfield

St Andrew's School PTFA Dronfield were successful in applying for a £500 Community Action Grant to fund a Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Funds were used to support a re-enactment of the Queen's coronation and a traditional street-party style celebration open to the school, pre-school, church and parents. This supported the group's aims to achieve plastic-free status, so the event was as eco-friendly as possible and involved commemorative tree planting. It also brought the school community together, reduced isolation, strengthened relationships, showcased the skills and boosted the confidence of the children. Suzanne Fletcher, member of the group stated "It isn’t very often we get to celebrate something quite so grand and memorable, so from all of us at St Andrew’s School PTFA, we’d like to thank you once again, for considering our application and for giving us the chance to create a lasting memory." The project helped the council work with partners to improve wellbeing and enabled local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers.

Stonebroom Pre-School

Stonebroom Pre-School were successful in applying for a £300 Community Action Grant to support the groups 50th Anniversary celebrations. The grant was used to fund activities and flyers for a summer fair for the school, which brought the community together and acted as an open day and fundraising event.

Some of the activities on offer were traditional fairground games, arts and crafts, refreshments, a bouncy castle and a magician. Around 400 people attended and even Gully the Mouse came from Gulliver’s Kingdom Theme Park to visit the children. Feedback from attendees was very positive, with one saying, “We really enjoyed the day and hope it’s an annual event!”. Anisha Eccleshare, Chairperson of the school said, “The event was a fabulous success, a fitting anniversary celebration for the pre-school, and a wonderful occasion.

We would like to thank NEDDC and the Community Action Grant Team for their generous contribution, without which, the event would not have been the success it was.” The project supported the council’s work with partners to improve wellbeing and enabled local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers.

Killamarsh Town Team

Last year Killamarsh Town Team received £500 to help fund a community Defibrillator. This will benefit all residents in the town by having a quick, nearby 24/7 access to life saving equipment. Twenty two volunteers and residents have been involved with the project so far and ongoing sessions on the use of defibrillators and basic CPR/first aid procedures will be held in the near future – pleases contact the Killamarsh Town Team if you’d like to be included.

The project supports the council to work with partners to improve wellbeing, enables local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations and works with Parish and Town Councils to maximise local control over local issues. A member of the group said, “Many thanks to everyone involved and to NEDDC for their Community Action Grant. New members are always welcomed to help with local projects which help the community of Killamarsh so for more information on Killamarsh Town Team visit or call 0300 30 21 599.”

Member of Killamarsh Town Team next to Defib machine.

Holmesfield Community Youth Group

Last year Holmesfield Community Youth Group were successful in applying for a £400 Community Action Grant to launch a new community youth group for Holmesfield and surrounding villages. The group held a glow-in-the-dark launch event last November at St Swithin’s Church Hall, which was run by volunteers and was hailed a great success. Key aims of the group are to engage with local young people and for them to build friendships and confidence, create a safe space for activities and break social boundaries.

A young member of the group has even been successfully accepted as a Youth Commissioner for Derbyshire Police as a direct result of the youth club. Sarah Webb, one of the Leaders of the Group said, “Thank you, this grant was really helpful to the young people in Holmesfield. As leaders, we feel that the group has been a great success so far.” The project supports the councils priorities to work with partners to improve wellbeing and mental health services across the District, by enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations and to help tackle anti-social behaviour within our communities.

Wingerworth Bowling Club

Wingerworth Bowling Club applied for a Community Action Grant last year to complete ground works to the paths around the green. The group received £500 to help the Club ensure safe, easy access for wheelchair and mobility scooters onto the bowling green for new 'wheelchair bowling' . Because of the project, the Club hopes to attract additional new members to add to the growing membership of over 85 players.

The Club provides opportunities for social and league bowling and welcomes anyone wanting to take up the sport no matter what their ability or experience and provides coaching for those new to the sport or wishing to improve. Andy Hoe, Club Secretary stated "The work on all paths has been completed and we have our first wheelchair bowlers accessing the green and using the new facilities.

For more information about Wingerworth Bowling Club drop in and visit the green or call Membership Secretary, Tracey Bailey on 07941 367691. She can arrange ‘try-out sessions’ for those keen to have a go."

3 members stood behind wheelchair

Holy Cross Church in Morton

Holy Cross Church in Morton were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant this year to support the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. The group received £300 to help the group hold an exhibition relating to the life of Queen Elizabeth ll, which included refreshments; the completion of a Time Capsule; the planting of a cherry tree and the creation of a Jubilee Garden area. The project enabled 140 people to come together, socialise and talk about their own memories, with the outcome to reduce social isolation. It also helped the local school children to learn about times past. Some attendees of the events said, “Isn’t it lovely to get away from our everyday troubles.” and “I did enjoy getting out and being with such a friendly group of people.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: improving wellbeing, helping communities address local issues and concerns, and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

members planting a tree

Dronfield District Girl Guides

Dronfield District Girl Guides were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant to hold a Queen’s Jubilee Celebration event. The group received £500 to buy tree plaques for a tree-planting activity as part of the 'Queen's Green Canopy' project, art & craft materials, sports equipment for team games, refreshments and activity packs. The items enabled 106 young people and 14 volunteers to complete art projects, get involved in team building activities and celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. The activities gave the group the opportunity to bring all of the 13 local Dronfield groups together after 2 years of having restricted activities and gave the girls chance to meet other guiding members, make new friends, improve their confidence and take part in a once in a lifetime event. Kerri Hickman, District Treasurer of the group says, “'As a group we experienced a huge drop in income during the pandemic, the £500 grant we received from the Council really made a difference in allowing us to offer the girls something special to help celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: improving physical and mental wellbeing, and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations. If you would like more information about Girlguiding Derbyshire visit their website or visit their Facebook page.

Dronfield Girl Guides

The 3rd Wingerworth Scout Group

The 3rd Wingerworth Scout Group were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant to help offer young people the experience of safe outdoor adventurous activities. The group received £500 to buy three large good quality tents. These items then enabled 60 young people and 15 Leaders to participate in a Camp for 4 days at Walesby International Scout Campsite, doing activities such as canoeing and raft building using kayaks and paddleboards and learning about environmental issues in order to gain Scout badges and awards. These activities offer young people skills for life, personal development and help to achieve their full potential. One parent stated, “My son had a fantastic time on the Camp and it was such a lovely drive home listening to all the stories he wanted to share. He loved all of the activities and the fun he feels the leaders have with them all.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: improving physical and mental wellbeing, enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations, and enhancing the natural environment.

3rd Wingerworth Scout Group in canoes

Calow Primary School PTFA

Calow Primary School PTFA were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for items to support a Jubilee Fair. The group received £ 309.45 to buy bunting, flags, writing pads, pencils and a life size card board stand up of the former Queen. The items enabled 390 children and adults to come together as a community to have a picnic and take part in a variety of activities and entertainment to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. The activities gave the group the opportunity to bring all of the school community together after 2 years of having restricted activities and gave the children an opportunity to take part in a once in a lifetime event. Ainsley McLellan, Secretary of the group says, “First of all I would like to say an absolutely huge thank you for your amazing grant. The difference these grants make within the community is huge. Your grant helped put a huge smile on the children of Calow CE Primary School faces. From them being greeted on the field with hand waving flags and special jubilee note pad and pencils, to photo opportunities with our life size card board Queen and picnic field full with jubilee decorations, the success of event went so far above our expectations.

It was fantastic to not only see parents and guardians attending with their children but other family members coming along as well.” One teacher says, “The buzz from the children's excitement was a very special thing to see. I work with the youngest pupils in the school who haven’t been able to experience such an event due to lockdowns, it was such fantastic day for the PTFA to organise and the grant from North East Derbyshire District Council helped make the day so special.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: improving physical and mental wellbeing, and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

Queens jubilee

Coal Aston Cricket Club

In the early part of 2022, Coal Aston Cricket Club were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for items to support a community event to celebrate the late Queens Platinum Jubilee. The group received £380 to help fund friendly 6 a side soft ball cricket matches for all the community, of all abilities and ages. The event enabled 150 members of the community to come together and take part in the activities with a Tea Party at the end of the day to celebrate. 8 volunteers helped on the day, with the group also recruiting 3 new volunteers. A member of the Club states, “We brought people together with many joining in the games and others just watched and revelled in the atmosphere.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: improving physical and mental wellbeing, and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

Pooh Corner

Earlier this year (2022), Pooh Corner – Home for Rescued Horses and Ponies CIC were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for items to help improve and encourage local wildlife by planting hedges and wildflowers. The group received £500 to purchase spiral plant guards, hawthorn hedging plants, bamboo canes and wildflower seed. The project enabled the group to create more habitats to encourage pollinators and small mammals and to encourage and enhance biodiversity. The work was carried out by volunteers, local people wanting to improve and enhance local wildlife and children from Unstone Infants School who helped to plant out the first batch of hawthorn hedge plants. Volunteers from the project state, “I like the comradeship, laughter and feeling good in achieving various tasks and goals. I am hoping that this project will run for a long time to come and that it will attract new people too.” and “Getting involved in the Wildlife Project has been challenging also huge fun. The benefits have been making new friends, working outdoors in a lovely setting and it has helped me emerge from a year-long mental health episode and to love life again”. The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: improving physical and mental wellbeing, enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations, enhancing biodiversity, supporting new habitats and wildlife corridors, managing open spaces to promote vital plants and pollinators and working with/inspiring schools and community groups to protect and support native wildlife.

Find Pooh Corner on Facebook.

Group of children from Pooh Corner

Eckington Cricket Club

Earlier this year (2022), Eckington Cricket Club were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for cricket equipment to encourage women into cricket. The group received £422 to purchase cricket bats and playing shirts to help attract new women to the club and enable them to take part in games and training. A Club member states, “This year we entered into the South Yorkshire league and finished winners, which was an amazing achievement. As the season ended, it was time for the one day tournaments which we entered at Coal Aston and Chesterfield, winning all 6 of our matches. This has improved our confidence and wellbeing immensely.” Jamie Woolley, from the Club states, “None of the women or girls had played cricket seriously before albeit not at all and to see the transformation within the last 2 years has been remarkable. We have a team of confident females who want to continue now onto the next stages of hard ball and progressing their skills. Close friendships have been made as the sport has helped to bring people out into the fresh air and strive to be better together.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving wellbeing and Enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

Pilsley Community Football Club

Earlier this year (2022), Pilsley Community Football Club were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for training facility improvement. The group received £480 to purchase target goals and skills training nets to help increase physical activity opportunities for the 250 players, engage the local community in sport and reduce social isolation. Mark Watts, Vice Chairman of Pilsley Community FC says, “Over the last 9 years PCFC have grown from a single team to over 15 teams at all age groups, providing football opportunities for hundreds of children and adults. The money provided by NEDDC has enabled the club to purchase much needed training equipment to ensure that all teams have sufficient goals posts needed to train properly at the clubs home ground. Grants such as this allow the club to keep costs for parents as low as possible in these challenging financial times, whilst giving everyone the facilities they need to ensure playing the game is enjoyable.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving physical and mental wellbeing, Working with communities to tackle issues such as childhood obesity and lack of exercise and Enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

Pilsley FC

The Hub at Gladstone Ltd

Earlier this year (2022), The Hub at Gladstone Ltd. were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant to help rejuvenate the outdoor area by creating raised garden beds. The group received £500 towards the purchase of timber, top soil, plants, seeds and learning materials to enhance bio-diversity, improve wellbeing of visitors, reduce isolation and attract new volunteers. A member of The Hub says, “Overall the impression the area now gives to visitors, young people and users has lifted the whole environment and improved, not just visually, but mentally as people clearly enjoy the new surroundings. The approach is fresh and helps to break up hard landscaping. People smile and comment – it clearly brightens their day and enhances their experience of the Hub. A small amount of funding can make a huge difference.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving physical and mental wellbeing, Enhancing biodiversity and Enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

tables, chairs & outside area

Calow Toddler Group

Earlier this year (2022), Calow Toddler Group were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for items to help celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The group received £240 to purchase flags, decorative bunting, items for craft activities and commemorative mugs for an indoor ‘street party’ in June for the children, parents and guardians. The party enabled 75 people, including 36 children to come together and take part in a variety of activities and entertainment to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. The children also received a commemorative mug and medallion to remember the event. Some feedback from participants included, “Best event yet!” and “Can we do this again next year!” and “This event encouraged a great family turnout across all generations.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: improving physical and mental wellbeing, and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

Calow Toddler Group with jubilee decorations

Tupton Local History Society

Earlier this year (2022), Tupton Local History Society were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for a number of activities. The group received £500 towards funding three presentations, a guided tour of Wingerworth Wetlands and Tupton Bombing booklets. These activities hoped to attract new members who felt isolated and lonely during the Covid-19 lockdowns. The benefits of these activities included the improvement of overall wellbeing, improved confidence, to support and improve wildlife, and encourage more people to visit the area and spend more time outdoors. Comments from attendees of the presentations included, "It’s the longest my son has sat and watched something with interest for a long time! Many thanks to all involved" and "I love Tupton and have very fond memories of my life there! The online presentation was a great idea and much appreciated." The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving physical and mental wellbeing; Working with communities to tackle issues such as childhood obesity and lack of exercise; Enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations; Promoting heritage sites and Encouraging day-trippers and over-night stays.

Holmesfield Support Network

Holmesfield Support Network were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant to fund projects to benefit the whole community during the Covid-19 lockdowns last year. The group received £500 to provide a range of activities for residents to support mental and social well-being, focusing on people in isolation or shielding. Some of the items and activities supported were Easter Cards for local residents, bunting for events, flower planting, a Scarecrow Trail and RBL Lamp-post Poppies. The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving physical and mental wellbeing; Enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

Holmesfield Support Network planting wildflowers

Pilsley Village Sports Association

In 2022, Pilsley Village Sports Association were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant for improvements to the Sports Pavilion. The group received £495 to purchase external signage to help promote the use of the building and a new boot cleaner for the players. The items purchased enabled over 300 players, family members and other users of the building to benefit and it increased fund raising opportunities. Paul Farnsworth from the group states, “This grant has allowed the sports club to invest in improved signage to better advertise the building and help maintain to a higher standard so as to enable us to hold more events. These events allow us to raise more money to ensure we can be self-sustainable. Many thanks again to NEDDC for your support". The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: tackling issues such as childhood obesity and lack of exercise; improving wellbeing and mental health, and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

sign which reads: Players & Officials

Dronfield Probus Club

Dronfield Probus Club were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant last year to help increase the group’s membership post COVID-19. The group received £500 towards local advertising, leaflets and posters that would promote the group. The group’s aims are to help combat loneliness and isolation, and an opportunity to make new friends for retired men in the local area. The group hold bi-monthly meetings with professional speakers and organise day trips, lunches out etc. The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving physical and mental wellbeing and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations. For more information about the Club, visit the Dronfield Probus Club website.

Tupton Community Group

People sat round a table eating food looking happy

Tupton Community Group were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant last year to support the provision of a Community Christmas meal for local people who live mostly in social isolation. The group received £500 towards three volunteers attending a Food Hygiene Course, room hire, table ware and seasonal food. The Christmas lunch was prepared and catered for by volunteers and the group’s main aim was to reduce loneliness and social isolation, especially during the festive period when isolation is amplified. The grant enabled the group to provide sixty 3 course meals, with a further 37 meals being provided for delivery or collection. Some feedback from residents who received a meal include, “We can’t thank the volunteers enough for inviting us for a meal. We don’t get out much with my husband not being well, so this made a real treat, the food was delicious” - Mr and Mrs P and “ I can’t believe how generous you have all been. The food was fantastic, the prize bingo was fun and the young girl singing made it so special.” - D.S.

Gillian Watters, Chairperson of the group says, “The grant enabled Tupton Community Group to be able to provide a festive meal for the 3rd year in a row. It was fantastic to be able to invite guests to Tupton Village Hall for a sit down meal, and make it an occasion for guests who clearly don’t get out socially very often, if at all. The deliveries to other housebound guests made a huge difference as it was clear some people have very little social interaction. The Festive meal is clearly an important addition to our community calendar in helping to reduce social exclusion and isolation.”

The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving physical and mental wellbeing and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

Dronfield Hall Barn

Pictures laid out on the floor

Dronfield Hall Barn were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant last year and received £500 towards printing and marketing costs to support a community Rebirth, Renewal and Hope wildlife photographic competition. The group’s aim was to improve wellbeing, reduce social isolation, support volunteers, increase the number of new photographers and people visiting local nature areas. The competition had 66 entries, with 3 age categories and the total visitor numbers to the exhibition was 554, which enabled the group to reconnect with the community and promote what Dronfield Hall Barn has to offer. Feedback from one of the competition participants says, “P is for Parkinson’s BUT more importantly P is for Photography and my passion for entering competitions such as yours, thanks Sam for giving me the opportunity to enter”.

Sam Reavey, Creative Manager of Dronfield Heritage Trust says, “The project had a really positive effect on the Barn. It was great to see over 60 images submitted, ranging in subject and style. The aim was to get people to reconnect and find beauty in nature, especially coming out of 2020 and 2021. The amount of submissions shows that people did find that solace and I hope found the project beneficial to themselves. It was also wonderful to have such a colourful exhibition in our gallery which is normally a dark space. It certainly lifted the area.” The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving physical and mental wellbeing and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

Pilsley and Clay Cross Cricket Club

Pilsley and Clay Cross Cricket Club were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant last year and received £500 for the purchase of a CombiRake to improve ground maintenance. The group’s aim was for the new equipment to be used by club volunteers to improve the quality of the square and wickets used. This aided the development of the junior members and improved the standard of cricket being played. Feedback from members and parents of junior members regarding the project included, “It helped to develop physical activity of the juniors”, “It aided team working skills, social skills and pride in their own ability and that of their local community”.

John Worthy, Club Secretary said, “By having an increasing number of juniors playing cricket, we improved physical activity and aided their skills. The club also provide training sessions in the evenings during the summer which provides activity for the juniors which helps to reduce anti-social behaviour and improves social isolation. Thank you for supporting the Cricket Club”.

The clubs new 'CombiRake' on the cricket field

Millstone Neighbours Community Group

Last year Millstone Neighbours community group were successful in applying for a Community Action Grant and received £500 to put on a community social event to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles lll. The event, which took place at Millstone Close, Dronfield Woodhouse included a singer, refreshments, a cake and karaoke. The grant helped with items to support the event, including the hire of tables and chairs, decorations, refreshments and entertainment. The main aims of the groups were to boost community spirit, improve wellbeing and reduce social isolation. The activity met some of the Council’s priorities by: Improving mental wellbeing; and enabling local action by empowering and supporting local volunteers and organisations.

Some of the residents attending the event said, “I feel like I’ve won the lottery having neighbours that keep in touch and plan our future get-togethers.”; “I live alone and am grateful for our community spirit.”; The best thing that’s happened around here.”; “I feel so blessed to be included.”; “I feel more secure and love baking for our parties.”; “Everyone is happier that we’ve got these things to look forward to.”; and “The lovely atmosphere has given me a social life after being on my own for years, thank you”.

Joanne Furniss, a member of the group and one of the event organisers says, “Since receiving the fantastic grant we’ve had from NEDDC we’ve been able to get more and more of our community together. People who wouldn’t ever go out because they’re on their own or are disabled. Some are new to our area and don’t know anyone. The social lives of new neighbours were boosted and suddenly they became part of the Millstone ‘family’ where we all look out for each other, help with anything and are together through good times, celebrations and also sad times. We’re always there for each other.”

Street party for King's Coronation, 2023

More information

Community Action Grants enable groups operating in North East Derbyshire to access up to £500 grant funding to support residents to tackle local issues in the District. You can visit our Community Action Grants webpage for more information.