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green bin

What Goes In My Green Bin?

Here is a full list of materials which can go in each bin.

Top tip - are you confused about what goes in your bin and is recycling helpful? Derbyshire County Council have a great page on waste and recycling myth busting!

Interested to find out what happens to your recycling after it goes into the bin lorry? This video shows you the whole recycling process!

Extra green bins available

Since 1st April 2024 the Council started charging for any extra green bins to be emptied. Previously, we only allowed households a maximum of 2 green bins. Under the new system, households can subscribe to have a maximum of 4 green bins emptied, perfect if you have a larger garden.

The cost of having any extra bins emptied is just £40 per extra bin. If you do wish to have more than one green bin emptied, please contact our call centre on 01246 231111 to arrange this.

You can make payment over the phone by either credit or debit card. You will then receive a sticker(s) through the post, to place on your bin(s). This shows the crews that you have subscribed to the service.

Residents who already have two green bins but do not wish to pay for the extra bin to be emptied, may either contact the Council to have the bin collected, or you can keep the bin, however the extra bin will not be emptied by the crews.

What can I put in my Green Bin?

Yes please:

  • Grass cuttings, flowers and weeds
  • Leaves, hedge and plant clippings, prunings
  • Left over fruit, salad, vegetable waste, egg shells
  • Cooked food left overs - bread, pastries, pasta, meat, fish (raw and cooked - including bones) plate scrapings, tea bags and coffee grounds

Food can be placed in compostable food bags manufactured to the British Standard EN 13432 only. (No retail carrier bags)

During green bin suspension weeks, please place food waste in your black bin.

What can't I put in my Green Bin?

No thanks:

  • Cardboard boxes and card packaging - these go in your burgundy bin
  • Wallpaper and wrapping paper
  • Waxed packaging, such as juice cartons - these go in your burgundy bin
  • Stone, rubble, soil or turf
  • Dog and cat waste
  • Disposable nappies
  • Plastic - these go in your burgundy bin
  • All types of bin liners, carrier bags, packaging, foil or polystyrene
  • Bottles, cans and papers - these go in your burgundy bin
  • Timber or plywood
  • Ashes

Please do not contaminate your green bin with unsuitable waste as we will be unable to collect it.

what goes in your bin?