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Taxes, Benefits and Concessions


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There are a range of different benefits which people may be able to claim, most of which are dealt with by the Department for Work and Pensions. We deal with Council Tax Reduction and Housing Benefit, and each year we pay out more than £25 million a year to people on low incomes. We also work hard to counter and detect fraud.

How do I apply?

You need to complete an application form, available online. If you don’t have access to complete an on-line application you can ring us for any assistance that you require. Call (01246) 217600. Once you have completed your application form online you can attach copies of any documents that we require to support your application. We may ask you to provide us with original documents or further evidence after you have submitted your application. If we ask you for more information to go with your claim and you do not send it within one month of us asking for it you could lose benefit.

How much help will I get?

This depends on a number of factors, including your income, savings, household circumstances and the amount of rent and /or Council Tax that you are required to pay. Your benefit will be worked out by comparing the amount of money the government says you need to live on (your applicable amount), with the money you have coming in each week.If you are in receipt of Universal Credit and not in receipt of the Severe Disability Premium or resident in Supported Exempt Accommodation then you will need to claim assistance with your rent / housing costs from the DWP. If you are in receipt of a Severe Disability Premium, or you are resident in Supported Exempt Accommodation then you will need to make a claim for Housing Benefit from us using our online form. If you are not sure if you will qualify for Housing or Council Tax Reduction you can use our online benefits calculator to work out what you may be entitled to or call (01246) 217600.

How will my benefit be paid?

Once we have calculated your benefit we will send you a letter explaining the process. If you are a council tenant and you are eligible for Housing Benefit your Housing Benefit will automatically be credited to your rent account. This means you will then pay less rent. If you are a private tenant and you are eligible for Housing Benefit then your Housing Benefit will be paid direct to you, unless your landlord shows that you are in rent arrears or you are classed as vulnerable and it is in your best interests to pay direct to you landlord. Either way the payments are made by BACS transfer direct to a bank account, as we no longer issue cheques. Council Tax Reduction will be credited to your Council Tax account and we will issue a new bill showing the revised amount to pay.

What if I disagree with the decision about my Benefit/Reduction entitlement?

You can ask us to explain our decision and to review your application – but this appeal must be lodged within a month of our original decision and must be done in writing. If you are still dissatisfied you can appeal against the decision. This must be made in writing and you must give us the reason (s) why you wish to appeal. Another officer will review your application. If our decision cannot be changed we will explain why and refer your appeal on to an independent tribunal called the Appeals Service.

What if my circumstances change?

It is important that you tell us immediately. If the change means that your benefit has been overpaid you may be asked to pay it back. If you take more than a month to tell us about a change that makes your benefit go up we may not be able to alter your benefit from the date of the change.

Examples of changes in income or family circumstances that could affect your benefit are:

  • Your Income Support or Job Seeker’s Allowance stops or starts.
  • Your state benefits stop or change.
  • You move house.
  • You or anyone living with you starts work.
  • Your capital or savings change.
  • Your rent changes.
  • Any of your children leaves school or leaves home.

If you don’t know if a change in your circumstances will alter your benefit be safe and tell us anyway. You can notify us of any change in circumstances on the online form on our website.

What if I suspect someone is claiming benefit that they’re not entitled to?

Claiming benefit to which you are not entitled is fraud. It is not a victimless crime – benefit fraud costs everyone money, and we work hard to detect and counter fraudulent claims. If you suspect someone is claiming Housing Benefit to which they are not entitled you should contact the Department for Work and Pensions. You can do this online on the Government website or by phone on 0800 854 440. If it is Council Tax Reduction that is being claimed fraudulently you should contact us on (01246) 217600.

Contact us

For more information or to advise us of any changes in your circumstances, please call (01246) 217600, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our offices.

Business Rates

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Business Rates (also known as non-domestic rates) are payable on all commercial properties. We keep a proportion of the Business Rates that are paid in our area.

When will I get my bill?

Business Rate bills are normally issued in March each year. If you move into the area during the year we will issue a bill for the remainder of the year once we have your details. We aim to provide you with a bill within 10 working days of receiving the information we need, and set payment dates that give you adequate time to arrange payment.

How is my bill calculated?

The amount you are charged is calculated by multiplying the Rateable Value by the multiplier set each year by the Government (sometimes known as the rate poundage). There are two multipliers: the standard non- domestic rating multiplier and the small business non-domestic rating multiplier. The Government sets the multipliers for each financial year for the whole of England according to the formulae set by Legislation.

How is the rateable value of my property set?

This is set by the national Valuation Office Agency. It broadly represents the yearly rent the property could have been let for on the open market on a particular date, and this is set to be re-valued every three years.

What if I disagree with my rateable value?

Queries about rateable values are dealt with by the Valuation Office Agency. If you wish to discuss this you should contact them directly:

Valuation Office Agency, Durham Customer Service Centre, Wycliffe House, Green Lane, Durham, DH1 3UW

Telephone: 03000 501501

If you appeal against the rateable value of your property you must still continue to pay your Business Rates based on the current bill until your appeal is resolved. If your appeal is successful we will refund any overpayment to you and, in certain circumstances, we will pay you interest on the overpayment.

How can I pay my bill?

At the start of the year your Business Rates bill is normally payable by ten monthly instalments. However you can request to pay it over twelve months if you wish. If your bill is issued later in the year you will still be entitled to instalments but the number of instalments will be reduced. We offer a number of alternative methods by which you can pay, which are listed on your bill.

Am I entitled to any reduction in my bill?

You may be able to obtain a reduced business rate bill in certain circumstances:

  • Charities and non-profit making organisationsRegistered charities are entitled to 80 per cent relief from rates on any non-domestic property which they occupy, which is wholly or mainly used for charitable purposes. We also have discretion to give further relief on the remaining part of the bill. Other voluntary or non-profit making organisations may also apply for discretionary relief.
  • HardshipWe can reduce your bill in cases of hardship, but this will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. You must provide up-to-date audited accounts and other evidence to support your claim.
  • Partly occupied propertiesRatepayers are normally liable for the full bill regardless of whether a property is wholly or partly occupied. However, where a property is partly occupied for a short period of time, normally less than one year, we may be able to reduce the bill accordingly.
  • Rural businessesBusinesses in rural areas may be entitled to a reduction in their bill as part of the government’s Rural Rate Relief scheme:• Mandatory Rural Rate Relief - some properties automatically qualify for a 100% reduction of the annual bill.• Discretionary Rural Rate Relief – we may be able to reduce the annual bill for businesses that are of benefit to the local community.
  • Small businessesIf a ratepayer’s sole or main property has a rateable value which does not exceed an amount set out in regulations, the ratepayer may receive a percentage reduction in their rates bill for this property of up to a maximum of 100%. The level of reduction will depend on the rateable value of the property – for example eligible properties below a specified lower threshold will receive 100% relief, and you may receive partial tapered relief up to a specified upper threshold. The relevant thresholds for relief are set out in regulations and can be obtained from North East Derbyshire District Council or on the Gov.UK website.Generally, this percentage reduction (relief) is only available to ratepayers who occupy either:a. one property, or b. one main property and other additional properties providing those additional properties each have a rateable value which does not exceed the limit set in regulations. The aggregate rateable value of all the properties mentioned in (b), must also not exceed an amount set in regulations. For those businesses that take on an additional property which would normally have meant the loss of small business rate relief, they will be allowed to keep that relief for a fixed additional period. Full details on the relevant limits in relation to second properties and the current period for which a ratepayer may continue to receive relief after taking on an additional property can be obtained from North East Derbyshire District Council or on the Gov.UK website. Certain changes in circumstances will need to be notified to North East Derbyshire District Council by the ratepayer who is in receipt of relief (other changes will be picked up by the local authority). The changes which should be notified are: • The property falls vacant • The ratepayer taking up occupation of an additional property• An increase in the rateable value of a property occupied by the ratepayer in an area other than the area of the local authority which granted the relief.
  • Sports clubsOrganisations registered with the Inland Revenue as Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) are entitled to an 80 per cent reduction. We have the discretion to give relief on the remaining part of the bill.
  • Unoccupied propertiesBusiness rates are not payable for the first three months that a property is empty. This is extended to six months in the case of certain industrial properties. After this period Business Rates are payable in full unless the unoccupied property rate is reduced by the government. Properties with a rateable value less than £2,900 are currently exempt from the unoccupied charge. Certain other types of property are also exempt for example properties owned by charities.
  • Transitional arrangementsThis is a scheme to help phase in the effect of a large increase in Business Rates, which happen when properties are routinely re-valued every three years. Under the transition scheme these limits continue to apply each year until the full amount (the rateable value times the multiplier) is due.
  • Business rates explanatory notesThese are available on our website. They are updated annually and provide information on all reliefs available for the year. The document can be printed on request. For more information about rate relief visit our website, call (01246) 217114, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What if I have trouble paying the bill?

Please tell us immediately if you are going to find it difficult to pay your Business Rates as we may be able to adjust your instalments, for example, by setting up a Direct Debit.

Collecting unpaid Business Rates

We aim to collect instalments as soon as they are due. If you miss an instalment, or pay less than the amount due we follow a set reminder and recovery process, as outlined below.


The first time you fail to pay an instalment, we will send you a reminder asking you to bring your account up to date within a set time. If you fail to pay the amount shown within the specified time you will lose your right to pay by instalments, and we will ask you to pay the remaining balance of your account in one lump sum. We will only issue one reminder in any one financial year. Having received a reminder it is not too late to arrange payment of the missed instalment(s) and future payments by Direct Debit. If you miss a second payment in one financial year, we will issue a final reminder. This means that your right to pay by instalments is withdrawn and the full amount outstanding on the notice must be paid within seven days.

Recovery of unpaid Business Rates

If you receive a reminder or final reminder and you do not pay the amount shown within the time allowed, or you have not contacted us to discuss it, your account will be passed to the Recovery Section for further action. This means you will incur additional costs and legal proceedings will be taken. Of course we would like to avoid all of these options, if at all possible, by making an acceptable arrangement with you. More detailed information about this process is available online.

How you can help us to provide a better service

To help us provide a good service, we need your co-operation. Please:

  • Pay your Business Rates on time.
  • Give us complete and accurate information, and tell us of any change in your circumstances.
  • Tell us as soon as possible if you are having problems with your payments.

Contact us

For more information or to advise, please call (01246) 217114, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Concessionary travel fares (Gold card)

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People over 60 and qualifying disabled people are eligible for free off-peak bus travel. This means that people who are eligible for a Gold Card are able to travel for free on local buses throughout England after 9.30am on weekdays and at any time during weekends and bank holidays.

If you go to another part of the country on holiday, for example, you will be able to travel on the local bus services for free at off-peak times. You will not be able to travel for free on long distance express or coach services or on special excursion or tour buses.

You can download an application form and find out more information about the scheme. Alternatively, call customer services on (01246) 217330.

Council Tax

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Council Tax is a charge that is payable on all domestic properties. It is collected to help pay for local services such as schools, roads, libraries, police, fire service and rubbish collection.The amount you pay depends on where you live within the district, what band your property has been given, the number of adults in a household and your personal circumstances.

How is my bill calculated?

All domestic properties have been given a ‘band’ by the national Valuation Office Agency, which is used to calculate the amount of Council Tax you must pay. Your bill is made up of charges for different local services. As well as a charge for our own services, we also collect charges on behalf of other public authorities in the area aspart of your overall Council Tax bill. These are:

Although we are the authority that issues your bill we have no control over the amounts set, or levels of service provided, by Derbyshire County Council, the Police Authority, the Fire Authority or the local town and parish councils.

When will I get my bill?

Council Tax bills are normally issued to all properties in March each year. If you move into the area during the course of a year, we will issue a bill for the remainder of the year once we have your details. We aim to provide you with a bill within 10 working days of receiving the information we need, and to set payment dates that give you adequate time to arrange payment.

How can I pay my bill?

At the start of the year your Council Tax is normally payable by ten monthly instalments. However you can request to pay it over twelve months if you wish. If your bill is issued later in the year you will still be entitled to pay by instalments but the number of instalments will be reduced. We offer a number of alternative methods by which you can pay, these are listed on your bill, and also set out later in this booklet.

What if I think the bill is wrong?

You should let us know immediately and you must continue to pay the amounts set out on your latest Council Tax bill until you are sent an adjusted bill. If you overpay and are due a refund, we aim to issue it within 10 working days of receiving the information we need to process it.

What if I disagree with my banding?

The amount of Council Tax you pay depends on the property band your home is in. Your property has been assessed by the Valuation Office Agency, and placed in a band according to its value. If you disagree with your property banding, you should contact them directly:

Valuation Office Agency, Durham Customer Service Centre, Wycliffe House, Green Lane, Durham, DH1 3UW, Telephone: 03000 501501.

If you appeal against the banding of your property you must still continue to pay your Council Tax based on the current band until your appeal is resolved. If your appeal is successful we will refund any overpayment to you.

Am I entitled to any reduction in my bill?

You may be entitled to a reduction in your Council Tax bill in certain circumstances:

  • If you live on your own you are entitled to a 25 per cent single person discount.
  • Some categories of people, such as full-time students, are disregarded when we count the number of people who reside in a property for Council Tax purposes. If two or more adults reside in your home and all but one of them is not counted for Council Tax purposes, then the bill will be reduced by 25 per cent.
  • If your home has been adapted for a disabled person, you may be entitled to a reduction in Council Tax.
  • If you are on a low income, you may be entitled to receive Council Tax Reduction.
  • Some dwellings are exempt from Council Tax, e.g. dwellings that are unoccupied and unfurnished are exempt from Council Tax for a period of up to three months.

We will inform you of discount or other relief you are entitled to receive from paying your Council Tax, but we can only do this if you give us full information.

What if I have trouble paying the bill?

Please tell us immediately if you are going to find it difficult to pay your Council Tax as we may be able to adjust your instalments, for example, by setting up a direct debit.

Collecting unpaid Council Tax

We aim to collect instalments as soon as they are due. If you miss an instalment, or pay less than the amount due we follow a set reminder and recovery process, as outlined below.


The first time that you fail to pay a Council Tax instalment, we will send you a reminder asking you to bring your account up to date within a set time. If you do this you can carry on paying by instalments. If you fall behind on your payments again, a second and last reminder will be issued requesting payment of outstanding instalments within a set time. If you do this, as in the case of a first reminder, you can still continue to pay by monthly instalments. If you fail to pay your bill again we will issue a final reminder notice. This means that your right to pay by instalments is withdrawn and the full amount outstanding on the notice must be paid within seven days.

Recovery of unpaid Council Tax

If you receive a reminder or final reminder and you do not pay the amount shown within the time allowed, or you have not contacted us to discuss it, your account will be passed to the Recovery Section for further action. This means you will incur additional costs and legal proceedings will be taken. Of course we would like to avoid all of these options, if at all possible, by making an acceptable arrangement with you. More detailed information about this process is available online.

How you can help us to provide a better service

To help us provide a good service, we need your co-operation. Please:

  • Pay your Council Tax bill on time.
  • Give us complete and accurate information, and tell us of any change in your circumstances.
  • Tell us as soon as possible if you are having problems with your payments.

Contact us

For more information or to advise us of any changes in your circumstances, please call (01246) 217600, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our offices.

Independent advice

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You can get independent advice on many topics from the following organisations:

Paying bills

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Council Tax and Business Rates are payable in monthly instalments which are shown on your bill. You can pay any bill using the methods detailed below:

  • By Direct DebitThis is one of the most convenient ways to pay your bills. You can choose to make your payments on the 5th, 15th or 28th of the month If you have not already opted to pay by Direct Debit, this can be set up online on our website, Alternatively you can set up a Direct Debit by calling (01246) 217600 or picking up a form from any of our offices.
  • By telephone via automated line for Council Tax Payment for Council Tax can be made easily and directly via an automated payment line at any time 24 hours a day. To make a payment please ring (01246) 217710 and follow the instructions given. Please remember to have your bill handy when you call as you will be asked to give your account reference number and your debit or credit card to give the account details. In addition to the automated payments line you can make Council Tax, Business Rates payments over the telephone using either your debit or credit card telephoning the Revenues Customer Service Team on (01246) 217450 on Monday to Friday between 8.30am to 5pm. Payments are credited to your account within one working day.
  • OnlineLog onto our website click on Make a Payment and follow the instructions to make a payment using either a debit or credit card.
  • Post Office or PayPointYou can pay your Council Tax, Business Rates or Housing Benefit overpayment at any Post Office or PayPoint outlet using either cash or a credit/debit card. PayPoint outlets are commonly in local shops, supermarkets and petrol stations. You can find a list of locations near to you on the internet on the PayPoint website. You will need your bill with the barcode to be able to make payment by this method.